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Nurses Sue Employer For Allowing Trans Women To Use Their Changing Rooms

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On 28/06/2024 at 20:06, m williamson said:


J K Rowling and Graham Lenihan are totally correct and the animosity they have had to face for speaking the truth is disgusting.


To be honest Linehan is an obsessive, nasty bigot who spends hours and hours pursuing trans people all over internet, subjecting them to harassing behaviour, deliberately misgendering and deadnaming them, makes it very personal. He has, frankly, lost his mind. His obsessiveness broke his marriage. He compared doctors carrying out gender reassignment to Nazi doctors in concentration camps. I don't have a problem with people expressing 'gender critical' views even though I largely disagree with them, and I have sympathy for women who want spaces where penis wearers are not allowed, but Linehan is not interested in any kind of understanding or civil discussion, he is consumed by hatred which he dresses up as solidarity with women. 

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On 28/06/2024 at 17:50, The_DADDY said:

Four nurses working for the NHS are suing the British health executive over its transgender policy which allows biological males to use women’s single sex spaces. 


The four women, Bethany Hutchison, Lisa Lockey, Annice Grundy, and Tracey Hooper who work at the Darlington Memorial Hospital in Durham argue that the policy which allows men who identify as women into their changing room facility is putting them at risk. 


Speaking on behalf of the group Bethany Hutchinson they wanted “women to be aware that there are transgender policies, particularly in the NHS, that are putting us at risk”.

She continued saying in a statement, “Other nurses are terrified of sticking their heads above the parapet. We are speaking out for us and for those who are too afraid to. This cannot be right, and we want a change in policy, not only at our hospital but across the NHS and wider society.”


“The meetings we have had at the hospital have been threatening and intimidating. To say we need educating when staff have multiple degrees was deeply insulting and demonstrates a failure of care towards female staff, some of whom are vulnerable.


“There have been times when I have been alone with ‘Rose’ in the changing rooms and have panicked. Rose looks very masculine, and it is a shock. I and my colleagues should not feel afraid at work. It is disgraceful that nurses are ending up in tears before they have to go and provide emotional support to our patients. It is very difficult to do that if you are already in a state of distress because you are having to get changed in front of a male.


“I am a Christian, but these policies are and will impact every woman from every background.


“We will pursue this matter for as long as it takes to ensure women’s spaces are protected.” she said


Are they justified or are they just transphobic?


Your thoughts?




The news story on this I read stated that the "trans person" stared at the women as they got changed.

That's not integrating or trying to transition, that's pretending and going into the changing rooms so you can have a nosey and rub one out.

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I know @peak4 has already mentioned the Christian Legal Centre - they are trying to legislate us back to the year 100 AD, the fact that they have their hatepaws on this case doesn't give me confidence that the nurses actually feel unsafe, more that it's motivated by religious bigotry. The CLC have previously supported people who were sacked from their jobs for harassing and abusing colleagues - I bet those people's victims did actually feel unsafe at work, not that CLC cared.

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:


To be honest Linehan is an obsessive, nasty bigot who spends hours and hours pursuing trans people all over internet, subjecting them to harassing behaviour, deliberately misgendering and deadnaming them, makes it very personal. He has, frankly, lost his mind. His obsessiveness broke his marriage. He compared doctors carrying out gender reassignment to Nazi doctors in concentration camps. I don't have a problem with people expressing 'gender critical' views even though I largely disagree with them, and I have sympathy for women who want spaces where penis wearers are not allowed, but Linehan is not interested in any kind of understanding or civil discussion, he is consumed by hatred which he dresses up as solidarity with women. 

"deadnaming"  ? 

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16 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:


The news story on this I read stated that the "trans person" stared at the women as they got changed.

That's not integrating or trying to transition, that's pretending and going into the changing rooms so you can have a nosey and rub one out.


I remember being a kid at school in the 70s and the old "what would you do with three wishes?" quiz.


Lads would invariably choose to be invisible, so they could perv on women in changing rooms.


Who would have thought that by the 21st century you'd only need to pop on a frock and you can do it with impunity



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2 minutes ago, alchresearch said:


I remember being a kid at school in the 70s and the old "what would you do with three wishes?" quiz.


Lads would invariably choose to be invisible, so they could perv on women in changing rooms.


Who would have thought that by the 21st century you'd only need to pop on a frock and you can do it with impunity



Did we go to the same school  ? 😀

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