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Nurses Sue Employer For Allowing Trans Women To Use Their Changing Rooms

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Four nurses working for the NHS are suing the British health executive over its transgender policy which allows biological males to use women’s single sex spaces. 


The four women, Bethany Hutchison, Lisa Lockey, Annice Grundy, and Tracey Hooper who work at the Darlington Memorial Hospital in Durham argue that the policy which allows men who identify as women into their changing room facility is putting them at risk. 


Speaking on behalf of the group Bethany Hutchinson they wanted “women to be aware that there are transgender policies, particularly in the NHS, that are putting us at risk”.

She continued saying in a statement, “Other nurses are terrified of sticking their heads above the parapet. We are speaking out for us and for those who are too afraid to. This cannot be right, and we want a change in policy, not only at our hospital but across the NHS and wider society.”


“The meetings we have had at the hospital have been threatening and intimidating. To say we need educating when staff have multiple degrees was deeply insulting and demonstrates a failure of care towards female staff, some of whom are vulnerable.


“There have been times when I have been alone with ‘Rose’ in the changing rooms and have panicked. Rose looks very masculine, and it is a shock. I and my colleagues should not feel afraid at work. It is disgraceful that nurses are ending up in tears before they have to go and provide emotional support to our patients. It is very difficult to do that if you are already in a state of distress because you are having to get changed in front of a male.


“I am a Christian, but these policies are and will impact every woman from every background.


“We will pursue this matter for as long as it takes to ensure women’s spaces are protected.” she said


Are they justified or are they just transphobic?


Your thoughts?



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Those four nurses will not be helped under a Starmer Labour government.  It says it all when a life long Labour supporter J.k Rowling has turned her back on the current Labour party because of their stance about trans people.

Edited by Wing Commander
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I have had experience of this happening,  I was on a coach trip,  on the back the coach stopped off at a service centre and I got out to go to the ladies,  no-one else around.  As I exited a man, dressed in a woman's clothes entered.

Bit of a worry - some eleven/twelve year girls go in on their own.



Edited by cressida
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My thoughts; I have plenty of sympathy with the concept of same sex changing rooms and can understand many peoples concerns.

In this particular case, as soon as I read this bit I start to wonder if there is a greater agenda at play here;
"The CEO of Christian Legal Centre who is financially backing the nurse’s legal case,  Andrea Williams,  said,

“This case demonstrates as clear as day that this is an issue of biology not ideology. Once we lose a sense of physical reality all kinds of real and dangerous consequences emerge."


If these nurses have any tie-ups with the CLC, I would have serious concerns about them treating/caring for me or any relatives.


I guess many people will skip over the CLC reference without realising the potential significance.
From Wiki, admittedly not everyone's preferred reference material

Christian Legal Centre  

Evangelical activist and barrister Andrea Minichiello Williams is chief executive of the CLC and Christian Concern.

She began public policy work with the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship (LCF) in the 1990s in opposition to liberalising the laws around the status of embryos and to civil partnerships.

As a member of the General Synod of the Church of England, Williams called gay Christians to "repent" and for the expulsion of gay priests from the Church of England, saying that gay people were the "children of the devil".

Williams has publicly opposed the Church of England's decision to support civil partnerships.

Williams is reported as stating that the Human Fertilisation Bill was "the work of the devil", that homosexuality is sinful, that abortion should be illegal, and that the world is around 4,000 years old.

Williams refers to abortion as a "silent holocaust". 

She sees abortion laws as "the work of satan."


Medics quitting jobs over ‘distress caused by rightwing Christian group’  Guardian
London-based Christian Legal Centre behind a number of end-of-life court cases ‘prolonging suffering’, doctors say

Medics treating critically ill babies are quitting their jobs owing to “considerable moral distress” caused by a rightwing Christian group behind a series of end-of-life court cases, the Guardian has been told.

Senior doctors claimed the behaviour of some evangelical campaigners was “prolonging the suffering” of seriously ill infants.

They accused them of “selling falsehoods and lies” to families and of using legal tactics condemned by judges.

One paediatric intensive care consultant described how he was pelted with eggs and “barraged” inside a hospital during protests over the case of Alfie Evans, a toddler whose life support was removed after a high-profile court battle in 2018.


A bit about funding in here
Christian Legal Centre    

The revenue source for the Christian Legal Centre is unclear, though connections exist with a well-funded United States organisation, the Alliance Defense Fund. The ADF and the CLC jointly set up the Wilberforce Academy in the UK aimed at training Christians for leadership roles in public life.

There are suggestions it is an organisation with very little income, with almost all legal actions pursued by lawyers acting pro bono (without charging a fee). However, for a while they paid barrister Paul Diamond a retainer of £8000 per month, so they must have had money at some point — it's all very mysterious.


Christian legal non-profit funds US anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-abortion organizations  Guardian

A rightwing Christian “hate group” which is behind a host of legal efforts to roll back abortion rights, remove LGBTQ+ protections and demonize trans people has seen a huge increase in its funding and has funnelled some of that money to a slew of smaller anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-abortion groups across the US, the Guardian can reveal.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a registered non-profit behind the ongoing 303 Creative supreme court case which could chip away at LGBTQ+ rights, saw its revenue surge by more than $25m between 2020 and 2021, a period in which a rightwing obsession with transgender rights and sexual orientation saw almost 200 anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced in states around the US.

[ These two ADFs seem to be the same Wiki link]


I'll not bother with selected quotes for this one; if you're still interested, follow the link.

On the Naughty Step – the questionable ethics of the Christian Legal Centre     NearlyLegal





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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Are they justified or are they just transphobic?


There is nothing at all transphobic about not wanting a male, trans identified or otherwise, in a female single sex space.  Whether that's a changing room, a prison, a rape crisis centre, a hostel, a lesbian group or any other space from which males are typically and reasonably excluded.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Four nurses working for the NHS are suing the British health executive over its transgender policy which allows biological males to use women’s single sex spaces. 


The four women, Bethany Hutchison, Lisa Lockey, Annice Grundy, and Tracey Hooper who work at the Darlington Memorial Hospital in Durham argue that the policy which allows men who identify as women into their changing room facility is putting them at risk. 


Speaking on behalf of the group Bethany Hutchinson they wanted “women to be aware that there are transgender policies, particularly in the NHS, that are putting us at risk”.

She continued saying in a statement, “Other nurses are terrified of sticking their heads above the parapet. We are speaking out for us and for those who are too afraid to. This cannot be right, and we want a change in policy, not only at our hospital but across the NHS and wider society.”


“The meetings we have had at the hospital have been threatening and intimidating. To say we need educating when staff have multiple degrees was deeply insulting and demonstrates a failure of care towards female staff, some of whom are vulnerable.


“There have been times when I have been alone with ‘Rose’ in the changing rooms and have panicked. Rose looks very masculine, and it is a shock. I and my colleagues should not feel afraid at work. It is disgraceful that nurses are ending up in tears before they have to go and provide emotional support to our patients. It is very difficult to do that if you are already in a state of distress because you are having to get changed in front of a male.


“I am a Christian, but these policies are and will impact every woman from every background.


“We will pursue this matter for as long as it takes to ensure women’s spaces are protected.” she said


Are they justified or are they just transphobic?


Your thoughts?



What does Sir Keir say about this ?

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9 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

What does Sir Keir say about this ?

He will say what he usually says when women demand that their rights are protected:  blah blah blah 'toxic discussion'  blah blah blah 'safe spaces'.  No kier, not safe spaces; single sex spaces for females. 

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I’ve shared a ladies toilet with a male colleague who was in the process of a sex change. I found it no problem at all, and none of the other women in the office had any issues either.  OK this is a changing room, but they won’t be taking their knickers and bras off will they? What is there to see which isn’t already on display on any beach? Would they object to a male doctor seeing a half dressed or naked woman? No, that happens all the time. So why the issue with a transgender colleague seeing them getting changed? 

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