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1 hour ago, Draggletail said:

It was going so well, and so many had such a lot to say on the topic until one member of the forum took against another, much to the angst of many forum members, who responded.

I reported the member who's comments were causing the thread to be off topic and causing disagreement in the hope that the thread would be 'cleaned up' and off topic comments would be deleted.

Unfortunately, the whole thread was deleted.

Thanks for all everyone who made positive comments on the thread - special thanks to The Daddy.

And thank you to you too Draggletail. Your comments mean a great deal ❤️

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They say that the moment you die, you are actually being reborn in another time zone


That is why you get people who claim to be past legendary people, fella down the pub claimed he was Julius Caesar in a previous life


These people who claim reincarnation were never an animal, such as a horse or an Ant in their previous life

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43 minutes ago, Draggletail said:

Why are we here? To die and be reborn? Reincarnation? Learning new experiences in each life? 

I'd like to think that we are here for a reason. I've heard the theory (not sure from where) that there are only so many souls to go around so we are all reincarnated over and over. Some remember previous lives but most don't. I'm in the latter category but wish I was in the former.

I know my Nan who wasn't religious believed this. She said be kind to everyone as you never know when you will meet again, even if its in another life. I didn't grasp the meaning as a lad but as I got older I began to understand. 

I miss Nan. I miss Gramps and Dad too but Nan was just such a large part of my life I felt her loss the most.

Not long after she passed away a strange event happened. 

I was sat at home with the ex, it was about 8pm or so and out of nowhere we both got an intense smell of Germoline. We didn't have any in the house, the kids hated the smell so we didn't use it for them but at the same time we both smelled it. The ex then shouted 'look at the camera!!!!!' (Cctv) and I swear on all I hold dear we both saw a figure that looked just like Nan. It was dark, raining and so I initially said it must be something on the camera lense but the ex went white as a sheet and refused to let me look. Things were weird in the house for a while after that but I often think about it usually dismissing it as 'just missing her' or 'wanting it to be her'. I'll never know unless she's right and one day I'll meet her again. 

If you're watching from somewhere.. Love you Loads Nannan Dot ❤️


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I've just re read that and realised I'd missed out the fact why germaline was significant. 

You could regularly smell it at Nans house.  She used it quite a bit but we (me,wife,kids) never did. 


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2 hours ago, rogets said:

They say that the moment you die, you are actually being reborn in another time zone


That is why you get people who claim to be past legendary people, fella down the pub claimed he was Julius Caesar in a previous life


These people who claim reincarnation were never an animal, such as a horse or an Ant in their previous life


Or even a troll.

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6 hours ago, Draggletail said:

Unfortunately, the whole thread was deleted.

Thanks for all everyone who made positive comments on the thread - special thanks to The Daddy.

It is hidden currently, waiting for me to clean up (I’ve been up all night watching the election and haven’t got round to it yet.


6 hours ago, Baz1 said:

So SF killed the original Death thread and this is it's reincarnation. 

Although this is quite an amusing line. 🤣

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11 hours ago, Padders said:

Lets hope were still here tomorrow...

I'm sure the Grim Reaper will be following this thread closely..200.gif?cid=8c6ff1aagscek4qk7nj3d1soivvp

Reminds me of the joke about The Grim Reaper knocking on someones door with the handle of his scythe and a little voice comes through the letter box,"Not today thanks."

  • Haha 2
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