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10 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I've just re read that and realised I'd missed out the fact why germaline was significant. 

You could regularly smell it at Nans house.  She used it quite a bit but we (me,wife,kids) never did. 


I used to be a believer, but I lost my faith honestly. But I do hope, if not believe, that some of the atoms that make up me will one day be reunited in another living being with some of those atoms that make up my loved ones.

I'll probably get mixed up with the likes of Hitler and Polpot at some point in the future.

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13 hours ago, Draggletail said:

I'm interested in your thoughts, tell us more (but I have to leave now so won't see your comments  until tomorrow)

Well, I think death in itself cannot be ignored. 


No one likes to think about it,  but reality is- we can't stop it or time it.


For me, I have been significantly conscious of death since around 16.


It helps me connect better to life and gives my life more meaning- that I didn't just pop into existence, something made all this happen,  so when death comes I (we) will know what the greater purpose was.

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14 hours ago, Baz1 said:


Has to be a higher purpose Draggletail.


14 hours ago, Baz1 said:

Has to be a higher purpose Draggletail.

Flowers (perennial} come up every year maybe we will be reborn,  google Malahide  Jenny Cockell

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2 hours ago, cressida said:


Flowers (perennial} come up every year maybe we will be reborn,  google Malahide  Jenny Cockell


That's because they don't actually die.


They just go for a long kip, and nobody throws them on the garden bonfire.  :)

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The certainty with which some people swear that there is nothing more than simply life on earth surprises me. How do they know for sure?

The Universe is full of mystery, and so is science. We don't know everything and probably never will. It strikes me as a bit arrogant to think we have all the answers. We don't even know what consciousness really is, or where it is located. 


I admit wishful thinking is a powerful inducement, but even quantum science is throwing up anomalies which defy the natural laws of physics and make no rational sense. Nor have they been able to solve basic questions like when, where, and how the Universe came into being, much less what it is for, so there's still plenty to learn.   


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I’ve just caught up with this thread. Interesting, stimulating and depressing all at the same time. Me myself. I’d like to get to about 85 and then be shot by a jealous husband.

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4 hours ago, cressida said:


Flowers (perennial} come up every year maybe we will be reborn,  google Malahide  Jenny Cockell

Maybe, I like to think that reincarnation is real, but not with any great certainty. There is a Facebook group where people can post things that their young children say (usually at the age of three to six) They often say things that strongly point to having lived before, instances like going to a town they've never been to, but being able to predict what's round the next corner or recognise a place while traveling and giving directions to get to a place they remember having lived in a previous life. It's interesting. It seems common for them not to carry these memories after about the age of six, they forget.

Obviously, some of these accounts could be hoaxers wanting a bit of attention, but all of them?

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6 hours ago, Uggy said:

I used to be a believer, but I lost my faith honestly.

What did you lose your faith in, a religion? You can still have faith in things without having a religion.

Best way in my opinion! 

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