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17 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I'd like to think that we are here for a reason. I've heard the theory (not sure from where) that there are only so many souls to go around so we are all reincarnated over and over. Some remember previous lives but most don't. I'm in the latter category but wish I was in the former.

I know my Nan who wasn't religious believed this. She said be kind to everyone as you never know when you will meet again, even if its in another life. I didn't grasp the meaning as a lad but as I got older I began to understand. 

I miss Nan. I miss Gramps and Dad too but Nan was just such a large part of my life I felt her loss the most.

Not long after she passed away a strange event happened. 

I was sat at home with the ex, it was about 8pm or so and out of nowhere we both got an intense smell of Germoline. We didn't have any in the house, the kids hated the smell so we didn't use it for them but at the same time we both smelled it. The ex then shouted 'look at the camera!!!!!' (Cctv) and I swear on all I hold dear we both saw a figure that looked just like Nan. It was dark, raining and so I initially said it must be something on the camera lense but the ex went white as a sheet and refused to let me look. Things were weird in the house for a while after that but I often think about it usually dismissing it as 'just missing her' or 'wanting it to be her'. I'll never know unless she's right and one day I'll meet her again. 

If you're watching from somewhere.. Love you Loads Nannan Dot ❤️


I wish I could remember previous lives too. It does appear that some can. It would be nice to have that certainty (there again I suppose I might question the reality of it!) The germoline smell and the CCTV with what looked like your Nannan, well I would have had the same reaction and would have thought that it was a form of 'communication' My Mum died at 7.50 in the evening. Our living room clock stopped at 7.50 P.M on the same day.

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5 hours ago, Baz1 said:

For me, I have been significantly conscious of death since around 16.


Me too, or at least quite conscious of death. I wasn't afraid but I suppose you wouldn't be at that age. I would have been around 17.

I think I might have posted this earlier in the thread, but I remember being young and laying in bed at night pondering about death and the possibility that there might be 'nothing' after dying, and I just felt very strongly that a 'nothingness' wasn't an option, and that there was more. Oddly, I can't remember how old I was, not even ballpark.

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18 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I'd like to think that we are here for a reason. I've heard the theory (not sure from where) that there are only so many souls to go around so we are all reincarnated over and over. Some remember previous lives but most don't. I'm in the latter category but wish I was in the former.

I know my Nan who wasn't religious believed this. She said be kind to everyone as you never know when you will meet again, even if its in another life. I didn't grasp the meaning as a lad but as I got older I began to understand. 

I miss Nan. I miss Gramps and Dad too but Nan was just such a large part of my life I felt her loss the most.

Not long after she passed away a strange event happened. 

I was sat at home with the ex, it was about 8pm or so and out of nowhere we both got an intense smell of Germoline. We didn't have any in the house, the kids hated the smell so we didn't use it for them but at the same time we both smelled it. The ex then shouted 'look at the camera!!!!!' (Cctv) and I swear on all I hold dear we both saw a figure that looked just like Nan. It was dark, raining and so I initially said it must be something on the camera lense but the ex went white as a sheet and refused to let me look. Things were weird in the house for a while after that but I often think about it usually dismissing it as 'just missing her' or 'wanting it to be her'. I'll never know unless she's right and one day I'll meet her again. 

If you're watching from somewhere.. Love you Loads Nannan Dot ❤️


My eyes have just started raining.

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1 hour ago, Draggletail said:

What did you lose your faith in, a religion? You can still have faith in things without having a religion.

Best way in my opinion! 


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4 hours ago, Draggletail said:

I wish I could remember previous lives too. It does appear that some can. It would be nice to have that certainty (there again I suppose I might question the reality of it!) The germoline smell and the CCTV with what looked like your Nannan, well I would have had the same reaction and would have thought that it was a form of 'communication' My Mum died at 7.50 in the evening. Our living room clock stopped at 7.50 P.M on the same day.

Crikey. I bet that felt strange.  And to be honest that does feel like a message of some kind. Did it ever restart at any point? 

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On 04/07/2024 at 17:16, m williamson said:


I agree with that. I went to see an old work colleague and friend of mine the other day who is now in a care home. It was seriously upsetting to see him in the state he is in now.

Back in the day he played cricket for Yorkshire Colts and later was a badminton partner of mine. We worked together for years at three different companies he was brilliant at his job and was a mentor of mine when I started in the industry.


He is now incapable of moving around without assistance, requires a hoist to get him into bed and assistance to use the toilet. I feel incredible sympathy for him, I don't want to end that way. My family has a ' tradition ' of sudden death caused by heart failure, and providing I don't harm anyone else if it happens that way to me it's what I'd prefer.

I'm going to visit my friend again as his wife told me he enjoyed the visit, but I have to admit it's not something to look forward to.

It must be awful having someone to help you with personal care or as Anna said going in a home and sat all day drooling away.  As awful as it is visiting your friend in the home must help him from being stressed and to break up his day.  

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Trouble is medics can now prolong life past its natural span, when without help it would (and probably should) die. People are living longer, but in many cases the final months/years are not really worth having.

If you need support to keep you alive, be that medical or physical, you have to ask yourself if it's worth it, and be able to decide for yourself.


Unfortunately under current law, that decision is not yours to make,  doctors can keep you alive whether you like it or not, you have no say in the matter.   

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On 04/07/2024 at 22:18, Baz1 said:

So SF killed the original Death thread and this is it's reincarnation. 


Anyway, death is a certainty- no one escapes it, rich or poor. You cannot extend life for a single second once death is coming.


Why do we die? That's an interesting question .

Why do we die?  Well we are a mainly Christian country so accordingly it was because Eve ate the apple.

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