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Sparks From Sheffield Smoke: A Perthshire Poet's Legacy Revisited

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My book has recently been published, and includes local history and poetry. My great-great-grandfather Francis Buchanan was a poet, and though born in Perth, Scotland , he lived in Sheffield for thirty-five years. His second volume of Poetry entitled Sparks  From Sheffield Smoke: A Series of  Local and Other Poems was published in the city in 1882. A selection has been republished, and I researched the subjects of his poems - such as Wincobank Hill, Ecclesall Churchyard, Parkwood Hill, Wharncliffe, Sheffield Castle and Haddon Hall. It proved to be fascinating. Sheffield characters have been immortalised in verse, and more.  If anyone is interested, the book may be purchased at www.sheffieldbooks.co.uk or by contacting the author at suekb68@gmail.com

The book will soon be available at other sites.

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