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City Centre Wickes Store to Close in August

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25 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

What makes you think that? And what is it you think the council are doing or not doing that will “kill” it?


They've painted double yellow lines everywhere for a start.

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3 hours ago, Top4719 said:


They've painted double yellow lines everywhere for a start.

No I don’t believe they have put them “everywhere”.


On the photos I have seen, the yellow lines are exactly where you would expect them to be, ie covering 10m from junctions, protecting the entrances to premises etc.


Because there’s a lot of pressure on parking in the area, people have got used to parking in places that they really shouldn’t.


Businesses down there have been asking for a parking scheme for years because their customers have difficultly getting to them because the available spaces are rammed with residents or commuters vehicles all day.


However there are also a lot of residents now, who have bought or rented flats with no off street parking, on the assumption they can park for free on street. So, there are quite conflicting demands on the limited amount of parking in the area.


A permit scheme like the ones elsewhere in the city probably wouldn’t work or meet the requirements of the residents as space is very limited and many of the apartment blocks will have a condition in their planning consent that residents aren’t eligible for a permit if a scheme were to be introduced.


In my view, the solution is pay and display parking, priced to promote turnover of spaces, with perhaps a very limited number of suitably priced (ie expensive) permits available for anyone who really wants one. Manchester do something similar in areas of their city centre. It won’t suit some though, nothing the council could do down there would suit everyone.

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7 hours ago, Planner1 said:

No I don’t believe they have put them “everywhere”.


On the photos I have seen, the yellow lines are exactly where you would expect them to be, ie covering 10m from junctions, protecting the entrances to premises etc.


Because there’s a lot of pressure on parking in the area, people have got used to parking in places that they really shouldn’t.


Businesses down there have been asking for a parking scheme for years because their customers have difficultly getting to them because the available spaces are rammed with residents or commuters vehicles all day.


However there are also a lot of residents now, who have bought or rented flats with no off street parking, on the assumption they can park for free on street. So, there are quite conflicting demands on the limited amount of parking in the area.


A permit scheme like the ones elsewhere in the city probably wouldn’t work or meet the requirements of the residents as space is very limited and many of the apartment blocks will have a condition in their planning consent that residents aren’t eligible for a permit if a scheme were to be introduced.


In my view, the solution is pay and display parking, priced to promote turnover of spaces, with perhaps a very limited number of suitably priced (ie expensive) permits available for anyone who really wants one. Manchester do something similar in areas of their city centre. It won’t suit some though, nothing the council could do down there would suit everyone.


Lets see.

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It was a rubbish shop let’s face it.


like many of these type of places - next to

nothing in store - “have you tried our website?”


overpriced as well.


curry’s is one I noticed going same way - went into buy a couple of iPhones the other day - none in store despite having display models everywhere.

the CAZ is a good thing - if wickes want to contribute towards reducing city centre pollution they can always offer to pay the fines incurred by any customers - but that would probably eat into their profits too much…

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13 hours ago, Mkapaka said:

It was a rubbish shop let’s face it.


like many of these type of places - next to

nothing in store - “have you tried our website?”


overpriced as well.


curry’s is one I noticed going same way - went into buy a couple of iPhones the other day - none in store despite having display models everywhere.

the CAZ is a good thing - if wickes want to contribute towards reducing city centre pollution they can always offer to pay the fines incurred by any customers - but that would probably eat into their profits too much…


It really isn't a good thing.

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20 hours ago, Mkapaka said:

It was a rubbish shop let’s face it.


like many of these type of places - next to

nothing in store - “have you tried our website?”


overpriced as well.


curry’s is one I noticed going same way - went into buy a couple of iPhones the other day - none in store despite having display models everywhere.

the CAZ is a good thing - if wickes want to contribute towards reducing city centre pollution they can always offer to pay the fines incurred by any customers - but that would probably eat into their profits too much…

In my view it has always been a rubbish shop for anyone travelling by public transport because the doors onto Moorfoot have never been open to the public, they  have to hike right to the end of the car park and then back while carrying something which probably weighs a fair bit.

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Not only Wickes affected. All throughout the setting up of the CAZ, SMC bike shop said it would adversely affect his business because people wouldnt transport the bikes into the city for the 100 metres or so his shop was in CAZ for

He even set up a system to collect the bikes at his expense. 

They close on August 31 due to drop in trade

Via Moto on Shoreham St are moving to Barnsley directly citing the charges levied on him by his suppliers for delivering to him making the business unsustainable.


but hey ho, CAZ works

except it doesnt

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45 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

SMC bike shop said it would adversely affect his business because people wouldnt transport the bikes into the city for the 100 metres or so his shop was in CAZ for

The irony! :hihi:


I've long been thinking about doing a youtube film on 'How Britain is ****', based on comparisons to living is Asia. I worry it will take a long time and get a lot of negativity though. 



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8 hours ago, spilldig said:

In my view it has always been a rubbish shop for anyone travelling by public transport because the doors onto Moorfoot have never been open to the public, they  have to hike right to the end of the car park and then back while carrying something which probably weighs a fair bit.

Who goes to Wickes on public transport? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Aye dead easy to drag a few 20kg bags of sand onto the number 120.

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