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Knife Crime Report places South Yorkshire among worst hot spots in England and Wales for knife crime

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Statistics place the county only one ranking behind London, when the figures are taken as incidents per head of population,


The figures are included in a report which looked at 25 police force areas in England and Wales.

They are drawn from statistics recorded by forces including the Metropolitan Police, as well as South Yorkshire Police, and other forces up and down the country.

And they have been included in a report by the security company Churchill Support Services.


It ranks South Yorkshire as fourth in England and Wales, with a knife crime rate of 11.7 Per 10,000 people.

Describing South Yorkshire as a highly urban area, it adds: “South Yorkshire is home to the towns and cities of Sheffield, Rotherham, and Doncaster. The region has a total knife crime count of 1,629, which correlates to a worryingly high rate of 11.7 offences per 10,000 people. Further compounding this is the unflinching nature of knife crime in the area, which saw a zero per cent change from the last year.”





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"The figures are included in a report which looked at 25 police force areas in England and Wales."


The total number of police force areas in England and Wales is 43


Mugged off by clickbait again.

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Posted (edited)

Another load of Sheffield Star cherry picking, out of context, sensationalised bull crap based on "report" from a company that just absolutely conicidentally provides security services, access control and CCTV equipment. 


Funny how they never actually link to the full statistics or give full explanations on the methodology of this stuff.   All I can see from actually looking at the figures from the source is that you are statistically far more likely to get stabbed in Cleveland with a population of less than 1/10th size of South Yorkshire than you would be walking down The Moor or around Parson Cross.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Another load of Sheffield Star cherry picking, out of context, sensationalised bull crap based on "report" from a company that just absolutely conicidentally provides security services, access control and CCTV equipment. 


Funny how they never actually link to the full statistics or give full explanations on the methodology of this stuff.   All I can see from actually looking at the figures from the source is that you are statistically far more likely to get stabbed in Cleveland with a population of less than 1/10th size of South Yorkshire than you would be walking down The Moor or around Parson Cross.



 Oh and apparently both said Cleveland and the West Midlands are more dangerous with knife crime in the league table than the Capital despite their combined populations still being more than half that of London...  


What's the phrase.    If it looks like bull...  if it smells like bull.... 


Someone's been doing some clever number crunching. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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18 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:


 Oh and apparently both said Cleveland and the West Midlands are more dangerous with knife crime in the league table than the Capital despite their combined populations still being more than half that of London...  


What's the phrase.    If it looks like bull...  if it smells like bull.... 


Someone's been doing some clever number crunching. 

Clever and the Star 😂😂😂

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I've provided the link in a previous post, but I do understand that not everyone has access to a spreadsheet program, particularly on a phone.
Table 7 of the spreadsheet give offences per 100K of the population, in order to provide a sensible comparison, rather than just total number of offences.

I'm not a wizz with Excel, but a quick copy and paste of the data for all last year, sorted by highest number, for the worst 25 is shown below; Don't worry about the Notes References.

Police Area Knife offences per 100K population
West Midlands [note 2] 180
London [note 13] 165
Metropolitan Police [note 2] 165
Cleveland [note 2] 143
West Midlands 118
South Yorkshire [note 2] 110
West Yorkshire [note 2] 99
Humberside [note 2] 95
Yorkshire and The Humber 92
Merseyside [note 2] 91
ENGLAND (exc. Devon & Cornwall Police and Greater Manchester Police) [note 2, 3, 4] 90
ENGLAND AND WALES (exc. Devon & Cornwall Police and Greater Manchester Police)
 [note 2, 3, 4]
North East  89
Avon and Somerset [note 2] 84
Essex [note 2] 81
Northumbria [note 2] 79
Bedfordshire [note 2] 79
Nottinghamshire [note 2] 74
Northamptonshire [note 2] 73
Leicestershire [note 2] 72
Derbyshire [note 2] 71
Lancashire [note 2] 71
East Midlands 69
North West 68
East 66
Staffordshire [note 2] 64
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