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It's a bit farcical, In'it.

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Well their all back, At school I think.

All wandering about aimlessly in the House of Commons, looking for new pals.

They manage to find the classroom and all sit down like good little lads.

Then it descend into a farce..

The lads all gang up and drag the headteacher into his pulpit, where he tries to calm things down..

Then you've got that fellow with the mace who bangs it on the door 3 times, Black Rod, who in heavens name is he,,,

If the rulers of our country are going to act like school kids, maybe we should treat em as such.


At present there is no way of punishing them, so I've got some ideas..

Anyone who speaks out of turn would get his knuckles rapped with the blackboard rubber..

Anyone waving papers in the air, would be made to stand in Parliament Square wearing a dunces hat..

Shouting out in debates, the offender would be made to stand in a corner of the house sucking his thumb for 10 minutes.

Minor offences would result in the naughty step, for more serious offences, make them stand at the front of the house with hand held out, palm upwards, and get the speaker to hit it with a ruler.


If Sir Kier misbehaves, make him address the house at Prime Minister questions in his old school uniform.

And if that new lad Nigel starts throwing his weight about, lock him away for the rest of measurable time in a deafening room under Big Ben.

I think these ideas would work, MP's would get on with the job of running the country in a sensible way.

It worked when I was at school?


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