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Reel to reel tape transfer to digital

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I have a reel to reel audio tape that I need converting to digital format.  


Has anyone had any experience in doing this,?  Any recommendations as to reliable or suitable companies that can perform this task?

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I've done this in the past. I've got a decent quality audio interface for my PC, and I loaned a reel to reel from an older musician, the type of person who might have a reel to reel. I recorded the whole tape into Audacity (freeware), split the recording into separate songs, normalised them (set the volume to a decent level), and saved them to WAV files.


I had two problems, finding a reel to reel that played at the right speed, there are a least 3 standard speeds used and not all machines cover them. If it's music it might be difficult to get the transfer done at concert pitch as the machines all run at slightly different speeds, my results were a quarter tone out.


What's on your tape? Do you know the speed it was recorded at? Is there a reference tone at the start of the reel?

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6 hours ago, Norbert said:

I've done this in the past. I've got a decent quality audio interface for my PC, and I loaned a reel to reel from an older musician, the type of person who might have a reel to reel. I recorded the whole tape into Audacity (freeware), split the recording into separate songs, normalised them (set the volume to a decent level), and saved them to WAV files.


I had two problems, finding a reel to reel that played at the right speed, there are a least 3 standard speeds used and not all machines cover them. If it's music it might be difficult to get the transfer done at concert pitch as the machines all run at slightly different speeds, my results were a quarter tone out.


What's on your tape? Do you know the speed it was recorded at? Is there a reference tone at the start of the reel?

Its a stereo vocal music  mix recorded on (if i recall correctly) standard speed on an Akai 4000DS which sadly went to meet its maker many moons ago.

I will probably send it to one of those commercial transfer companies and wondered if there were any to avoid or look into


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