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Prescriptions, feeling agreived/scammed

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Is it wrong to feel agreived and even scammed regarding prescriptions.

Just been to the docs for abdominal pains, prescribed 2 lot of antibiotics (due to allergies) & paid the princely sum of £20 because I work.

Yet if I were a dole squatting, oxygen theiving, resource drain on society, they'd have been free.

Surely that's backwards? I pay thousands a year in taxes to pay for healthcare services already, shouldn't I be the one recieving "free" medication having techinically already paid for it?

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2 minutes ago, Resident said:

Is it wrong to feel agreived and even scammed regarding prescriptions.

Just been to the docs for abdominal pains, prescribed 2 lot of antibiotics (due to allergies) & paid the princely sum of £20 because I work.

Yet if I were a dole squatting, oxygen theiving, resource drain on society, they'd have been free.

Surely that's backwards? I pay thousands a year in taxes to pay for healthcare services already, shouldn't I be the one recieving "free" medication having techinically already paid for it?

My bold

Stereotyping much? 

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11 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

Stereotyping much? 

Weird. I typed more than that :confused:

Anyway, I agree you shouldn't have to pay for prescriptions if you are a tax payer. You're paying already but singling out the unemployed isn't fair. Many people have genuine reasons for being out of work. Not all are dole squatting oxygen thieves. 

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58 minutes ago, Resident said:

Is it wrong to feel agreived and even scammed regarding prescriptions.

Just been to the docs for abdominal pains, prescribed 2 lot of antibiotics (due to allergies) & paid the princely sum of £20 because I work.

Yet if I were a dole squatting, oxygen theiving, resource drain on society, they'd have been free.

Surely that's backwards? I pay thousands a year in taxes to pay for healthcare services already, shouldn't I be the one recieving "free" medication having techinically already paid for it?

How on earth have you been scammed?  You didn't have to pay to see the Doctor who gave you the prescription which will make you feel better.  £20 is a small price to pay to to get relief from abdominal pains. If you pay thousands in tax each year then you're earning enough money to afford the £20.  The next time you go to see the Doctor ask for  some tablets to cure your whinging.

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As a comparison, I live in the Netherlands where there’s no NHS. I’m retired. I pay €176 a month for health insurance (includes teeth) there’s a compulsory own risk of €385 a year on top of that and my blood pressure meds cost €56,50 a pop.  Also every time I collect my meds I get charged about €8 by the pharmacy for the intensive labour of putting 2 dinky boxes into a paper bag. 

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3 hours ago, Resident said:

Is it wrong to feel agreived and even scammed regarding prescriptions.

Just been to the docs for abdominal pains, prescribed 2 lot of antibiotics (due to allergies) & paid the princely sum of £20 because I work.

Yet if I were a dole squatting, oxygen theiving, resource drain on society, they'd have been free.

Surely that's backwards? I pay thousands a year in taxes to pay for healthcare services already, shouldn't I be the one recieving "free" medication having techinically already paid for it?

Overlooking your rather unpleasant views on those less fortunate than yourself, your thinking is flawed.


If you don’t pay for your own prescriptions, then it has to be paid for by the taxpayer. Making prescriptions free for all users will increase the burden on the taxpayer and cause taxation rates to rise, or spending to be cut elsewhere.


I think that the cost of a prescription represents good value.

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Resident, I don't think it's wrong to feel aggrieved or resentful to have to pay  for services which others are receiving for free.  It's probably pretty normal, human nature being what it is and all.  Should prescriptions be free or low cost for people who are essentially already paying for it? Depends on the prescription. 


When I'm in a similar situation, I ask myself if I'd want to trade places with that person. The answer is usually hell NO.

One good thing about the US system, as bad as it sometimes is, is that it forces people to be very involved and proactive about their health care.  Does the pharmacy offer deals or discounts? 

Are there any places like GoodRx where you are?  Do they give discounts if you buy a certain amount or set up mail order?


I hope you feel better soon. 


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