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Battle Of Orgreave Enquiry

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I’m very pro enquiries that make things safer/better, this would do neither, our politicians aren’t being shot at, our police manage to do better without guns than some countries forces do whilst armed to the teeth.


If anyone can assist the authorities on safety matters in the event of such an event happening in the future I’m sure that someone would listen to them.

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On 13/07/2024 at 18:59, ECCOnoob said:


Here we go... Get the tin foil hats out everybody... 


A perfect example reason why there won't be any "truth" out of any inquiry. Just lots of hot air, campaigning, conspiracy, opinion, electioneering, sensationalism all heavily weighed towards the picture of angelic innocent 'woe is me' miners against the 'big bad Thatcherbot' and her government.  


Lots of grandstanding from the Labour party and a good old excuse for everyone to piling on to do some Tory bashing. 


Then all the claimant lawyers will be rubbing their hands, ticking away behind the scenes ready to jump in and start pursuing the next payout.


As I said on the other thread about this very topic which seemingly disappeared. The strike achieved nothing. It was a pure ego trip for Scargill which wasn't vote passed  nor even supported by his fellow unions.   The industry at the time was a nationalised dinosaur costing more and more money than it was ever making. Vast amounts of the workforce were inefficient, mismanaged, and quite frankly unproductive compared to many of their counterparts. The world had moved on, the production methods moved on, competition drastically increased and consumer choices were expanding... as per usual the bully boy unions buried their heads in the sand and wouldn't accept the reality of change. 


He came. He fought and he got his ass handed to him on a plate. 


Neither party has any right to be claiming some moral high ground or sense of injustice.  They all contributed to the debacle that followed.  


As others have said, its just going to reopen old wounds,  drag up distorted and deluded versions of events, cost huge amounts of public money and resources to achieve a conclusion that no one will be satisfied with until they get what they believe they should be hearing.


No need for the tin foil hats.


I would have thought that the various enquiries in the past, and the current post office scandal are proof enough of the corruption endemic amongst the rich and powerful, the political system and vested business interests. 


The tax paying public come way down the list when it comes to justice.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:


The tax paying public come way down the list when it comes to justice.


The tax paying public got their "justice" when Thatcher's government had the balls to bring an end to decades plus of decaying dinosaur nationalised industries that were costing billions of pounds a year and not making any profit. 


The tax paying public got their "justice" when the government were proactive and took a hard line against bully boy, egotistical  unions trying to continue there legacy of disruption, stoppages, failing to adapt to change, failing to modernise and having their annual tantrums whenever they felt like it which create a huge inconvenience millions of pounds of damage to the economy.  

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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:


The tax paying public got their "justice" when Thatcher's government had the balls to bring an end to decades plus of decaying dinosaur nationalised industries that were costing billions of pounds a year and not making any profit. 


The tax paying public got their "justice" when the government were proactive and took a hard line against bully boy, egotistical  unions trying to continue there legacy of disruption, stoppages, failing to adapt to change, failing to modernise and having their annual tantrums whenever they felt like it which create a huge inconvenience millions of pounds of damage to the economy.  


Attacking people with batons then trying to frame them for life sentences in the name of progress and productivity! Long live comrade Stalin!

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As a child, I was present during the Orgreave I lived literally a stones throw from the place. I remember lots of "secret" meetings by the miners planning attacks on police & sometimes scabs in their own homes. My dad (RIP) was at these meetings and on occasions I was with him when my mother had to work. 

The miners of Orgreave were FAR from innocent. 

People like @Delbow aren't going to like the most likely outcome of any enquiry because all of that WILL come out and the bubble that miners were the downtrodden innocents will burst spectacularly. 

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4 minutes ago, Resident said:

As a child, I was present during the Orgreave I lived literally a stones throw from the place. I remember lots of "secret" meetings by the miners planning attacks on police & sometimes scabs in their own homes. My dad (RIP) was at these meetings and on occasions I was with him when my mother had to work. 

The miners of Orgreave were FAR from innocent. 

People like @Delbow aren't going to like the most likely outcome of any enquiry because all of that WILL come out and the bubble that miners were the downtrodden innocents will burst spectacularly. 


I'm not going to reject the outcome of any enquiry. Unlike many did with the Hillsborough enquiry, including on here iirc 

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:


I'm not going to reject the outcome of any enquiry. Unlike many did with the Hillsborough enquiry, including on here iirc 


I'm continually surprised that some people still have faith in a Tory government and an Establishment that have proved themselves corrupt so many times.

And before anybody else says it, the Labour government have yet to prove themselves trustworthy as well.

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1 minute ago, RollingJ said:

Would you prefer anarchy then, @Anna B ?- because that is what it sounds like. Somebody has to set the rules.

No, but I would like honesty and fairness, and a sustainable long term plan.


The hundreds of thousands of  unemployed, thanks to Maggie's drive to close down industry, were simply hung out to dry. The North has never really recovered and is now considerably poorer than the south.   

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