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Trump assassination attempt.

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Nancy Pelosi's statement following the assassination attempt.  " As one who's family has been the victim of political violence, I know first hand that political violence  of any kind has no place in our society.  I thank God that former President Trump is safe "


A gracious statement, and very different from Trumps response to the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi her 82 year old husband who was attacked in his home by a far right conspiracy theorist. He attacked Mr Pelosi with a hammer and fractured his skull.

This was Trumps response.




I'm pleased he wasn't killed but there's no getting away from the fact that he's an obnoxious example of a human being.



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3 minutes ago, Delbow said:


 Is that a big help? Next time someone unloads one of these in a shopping mall, will the shoppers think 'it's ok, it's a modified assault weapon'?

Most likely the shoppers will think "Where's the nearest exit".

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Just now, m williamson said:


I'm pleased he wasn't killed but there's no getting away from the fact that he's an obnoxious example of a human being.



My bold

In your opinion.

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42 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

No, it isn't. It's based on an infantry weapon. The civilian model isn't the same.


There's little point in hanging your argument on that. Once you examine the differences:



The primary distinction between civilian semi-automatic rifles and military models is select fire. Military rifles were produced with firing modes, semi-automatic fire and either fully automatic fire mode or burst fire mode, in which the rifle fires three rounds in succession when the trigger is depressed. Most components are interchangeable between semi-auto and select fire rifles including magazines, sights, upper receiver, barrels and accessories.[2][18] The military M4 carbine typically uses a 14.5-inch (370 mm) barrel. Civilian rifles commonly have 16-inch or longer barrels to comply with the National Firearms Act.[19]


So the military versions have 'fire multiple bullets for a single trigger press' modes. Anyone with even a vague knowledge of guns or the physics involved knows that you might be able to aim the first round, but the others are only going in vaguely the same direction. Fully automatic/burst fire modes are really for target rich environments in confined spaces[1] not much use for taking multiple pot shots at ex-presidents. In this case, there's no effective difference between military and civilian versions.


With longer barrels the situation is different. The shorter barrel of the military versions are so they are easier to conceal/manoeuvrer in confined spaces - think clearing buildings of the enemy. Longer barrels = more accuracy (there's a reason sniper rifles have longer barrels). The longer barrel of the civilian version arguably makes it more suitable for trying to assassinate ex-presidents than the military version.



[1] Think schools, shopping malls, the usual places mass shootings happen in the US.

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31 minutes ago, Uggy said:

It seems strange to me that the narrative somehow gets so twisted, the Republican party supporters tend to be presented by the press as bigoted racists, yet it was founded as the anti slavery party, the Republican president Abraham Lincoln is lionized for what he achieved, some historians theorized that he was assassinated because he wanted equal rights for ******.

This is the true Republican party.


They used to believe in the rule of law and government agencies from preventing presidents for breaking it too but, as Trump's Project 2025 and the rulings by the Republicans on the supreme court show, they've given up on that.

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

Why? It's accurate isn't it? 


It's irrelevant. I've explained what the differences between them are and what significance they have in the attempt to assassinate Trump. If you disagree with my description of the differences please feel free to correct me (with sources for your information). Similarly, if you disagree with my explanation of the significance of those differences, but provide some reasoning.

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