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What's in your past?

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Orginally did my family years ago - but now updating after a DNA test maternal side Viking -paternal side Anglo Saxon . I could  never be certain who one of my GG randfathers was until my DNA test so started re doing  . On the paternal side I have another G Granfather who did time in Wakefield for " a dastardly assault in Wadsley "   a distant cousin who was Venus of Great Britain 1943 and the Husband of a distant cousin who was publicly hanged for murder in Nottingham .

About to start on the maternal side ,they were major landowners in east/north Yorkshire but they gambled and drank it all away - such is life

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4 hours ago, Norbert said:


Could it be some variation on 'manages own business' ?


4 hours ago, Slighty batty said:

I read it as Manager Scisser Business 


3 hours ago, lovelace said:

Definitely  Manager  Scissor  Business. ...


Yes, it's manager scissor business.  Thanks, all.  The transcript of that phrase was incomplete;  I spotted the 'scissor' bit, but the muddle was manufacture vs manage.  It's clear once you know :D .

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3 hours ago, blackhill said:

I have searched my ancestry and gone back to the 1400's. found royalty, Lords, and  Sirs etc. also found that my Great, Great Grandad, murderd his wife. He was transported to Australia ,on a convict ship, where he served 7 years in prison. 

I've got a transportation to investigate too.  A more recent bit of criminality from the 1800s was someone sent off to a reformatory for stealing a bag.

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Last night I discovered two sisters, my great aunts, who died as babies in the 1920s.  I only came across them as I was on the Sheffield Indexers site trying to track down a grave of a great aunt who died aged 19.  The burial plot was shared with two others of the same name - the father's name was recorded - and the address was that given for the family in the 1921 census.

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I know, we've spoken before.     Weren't you Dion Fothergill's brother ?     I lived between your end & Adlington Road,   on the hill.        Look back on the old posts about Lindsay Road school & stuff.       I live in Killamarsh now.

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