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Do You Have First Aid Certification? Have You Ever Helped Someone In Need?

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3 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Any chance I could have your number to put on speed dial?

Going shopping with the daughter often gives me palpitations, shortness of breath  and a tight chest. Swear to god last time I genuinely thought I was going to pass out 😬

Before you venture out with your daughter to partake in such a stressful and dangerous event I think you should do a comprehensive risk assessment. I'm sure the mitigation for all your risks would be to stop at home and leave your daughter to it. Just give her your wallet and cards, I'm sure she will survive....don't know about you though!

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I did a day course as the charity had spare spaces  and needed an extra to "buddy up" up on one of the tasks.


Maybe 5 weeks later helped a woman  having an epileptic fit ,something that had been covered.

What was noticable in the pub ,there was maybe 30 people just watching before another guy and me put her in a safe position and observed her till she recovered .

If you have not got it on your phone download the SAFE App.

It covers the big problems and walks you through your response


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