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Problem with writing e-mail on foreign language form.

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As the title says we are having a problem trying to write and e-mail address, when all the rest of the form is in the foreign language. We have tried using an on screen keyboard and even the on screen keyboard supplied by the Country still types it in capitals. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Cheers.

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So is the issue that you want to type in a lower-case email address, but it always forces it to upper-case? Chances are that an upper-case address will work just fine.


The domain part of an address (the bit after the @) ) is always case-insensitive. The local part (bit before the @) ) can theoretically be case-sensitive, but I'm not aware of any mail server that allows that  (certainly none of the larger ones) - it could cause serious security issues!

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Thank you for your reply. The form is for a new passport so I think that the e-mail address would have to be all in lower case. You know how keen the passport agencies are about these things. I think we are going to have to ring the passport office for some advice. I will let you know what happens. Cheers.


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We got a reply back today from the passport office saying exactly what everyone suggested was the case, that it was not that important because they already have the e-mail on their records. A load off our minds. Thank you everyone for your help. Cheers.

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