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Interesting Happenings In Harehills

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Good.  No accusations of two-tier sentences then when compared to the other recent riots. 



It's to be hoped that others thinking of rioting, attacking the police or generally causing anti-social behaviour are paying attention.  It's approaching the time of year when idiots start chucking fireworks about & think it's funny to attack firefighters. 

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9 hours ago, RollingJ said:

Sorry , @SheffieldForum - but a valid question was asked and all we get in response is deflection and abuse.

The question was indeed valid and remains.


9 hours ago, Prettytom said:

Seriously SF, if you are going to allow a select few people to dictate what gets published on here, it won’t be long until there is nothing left.


I’ve just legitimately challenged a series of dubious posts. You’ve deleted the posts and the challenge, presumably because someone 🙄 reported them. 

We either debate stuff as equals, or we accept that admin and subscribers call the shots. I’ll be off it it is the latter. I don’t think I’ll be the only one.


I deleted a bunch of bickering.


You don’t like some people’s posting style and seem to call it out all the time and it ends up derailing the thread with petty bickering instead. Is it ‘legitimately challenging’ someone? Or is it that you just don’t like the way they post?


Personally, I similarly don’t necessarily like some people’s posting style too — but if their posting style is a question that is relevant to the topic then it might be somewhat mischievous and maybe disingenuous, but is it against the rules?


I’d prefer people just say what they mean and expand on their question, but not everyone has that same posting style.


The subsequent bickering is worse than the original question though, and lasts for pages and pages of off-topic nonsense. 

If you think something isn’t right and shouldn’t be in the forum, report it. I’ll take a look and decide.


Otherwise just ignore the post or, preferably, ignore the poster if you don’t like their posting style.


Oh, and yes the bickering was reported — but not by who you seem to think it was (in fact I don’t think the reporter has even posted in this thread). And no. Subscribers don’t ‘call the shots’ on the site, they have as much say as you or anyone else does.

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6 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:

The question was indeed valid and remains.



I deleted a bunch of bickering.


You don’t like some people’s posting style and seem to call it out all the time 

I fundamentally disagree with that point. 

If I take issue with something that someone posts, I should be able to say so. I do that frequently, to many different posters.

At the moment, if I do that in response to certain posters then I get attacked in a very concerted manner and my posts get reported and deleted.. I suspect that the perpetrators would like to get me banned. They are certainly trying to silence me. 

None of which makes for a very interesting or instructional forum.

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10 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

I fundamentally disagree with that point. 

If I take issue with something that someone posts, I should be able to say so. I do that frequently, to many different posters.

At the moment, if I do that in response to certain posters then I get attacked in a very concerted manner and my posts get reported and deleted.. I suspect that the perpetrators would like to get me banned. They are certainly trying to silence me. 

None of which makes for a very interesting or instructional forum.

I did say I wasn't going to respond further - but - if you 'disagree' with a post, by all means, say so, and expect a response. Might not be to your taste, as some responses to things I post aren't to me, but not everyone thinks like me, and I accept that.


There was a time, quite a while back, where certain posters thought it was a good idea to attack me, but they found out that if they posted rubbish, not responses, they got told so, and, in the couple of cases I recall most, they eventually desisted - and I think they have cancelled their membership since.


I, for one, am not trying to silence you, or get you banned - very often you post interesting comments - I have thanked you in the past, but on this occasion, you come across as intentionally argumentative - to me.

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16 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

I fundamentally disagree with that point. 

If I take issue with something that someone posts, I should be able to say so. I do that frequently, to many different posters.

At the moment, if I do that in response to certain posters then I get attacked in a very concerted manner and my posts get reported and deleted.. I suspect that the perpetrators would like to get me banned. They are certainly trying to silence me. 

None of which makes for a very interesting or instructional forum.


Your first post was this:


11 hours ago, Prettytom said:

It isn’t compulsory to answer the 1 000 000 crap questions that Hackey asks every day.


Maybe if you and him contributed more answers and opinions, then the rest of us would follow suit.


To me, there's only one way the thread is going after that post, and - frankly - it looks like you started the attack on two posters there. It isn't 'challenging' a poster, it is a direct attack on them, can be interpreted as gatekeeping, and isn't on topic hence being removed.


I'm not saying that what you're saying about certain posters seemingly ganging up on you isn't true (and I have challenged that myself in the past), but on this occasion I'm afraid it seems you that started it.


If anyone's aim is to get someone else banned then they'll be disappointed - I do see when stuff like that goes on and just don't take that kind of bait.


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