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Joe Biden Pulls Out Of Presidential Race

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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

My point exactly.

If the only choice out of all America is proven crook Trump or senile old man Biden, (OK very recently Harris)  something must be very wrong with the system called 'democracy' 

It's the same in many countries.

Democracy isn't working.

We continually vilify communism, and send men and women off to die in wars to defend our system, but is it really so much better?


What would you prefer ?

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Just now, hackey lad said:

What would you prefer ?

Socialism, ie. responsible capitalism like we used to have. It works in Scandinavian countries which always come out tops in league tables. Not perfect, but a good blend of achievement, wealth  and public satisfaction.

For some reason we always trail after America like some sort of needy dog with our 'special relationship' which America know nothing about apparently. 

Fairness and equality are the only things that will stop wars and allow the human race to progress.

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:


So why do you think he's not in jail, and is actually well on his way to the White House at the moment?


The first part is because of the judicial process.  His first two claims were civil suits so don't equal jail time. The recent one is subject to appeal so there has been no sentence yet.   It's not exactly rocket science. 


The second part is because of American politics and their warped system which allows someone with multiple criminal convictions to still stand as a candidate for president. But given I am not an American citizen and have no powers over their constitution, not much I can do about that other than sit back and roll my eyes of the shame of it all.  An opinion which I am sure I'm not alone in. 

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

My point exactly.

If the only choice out of all America is proven crook Trump or senile old man Biden, (OK very recently Harris)  something must be very wrong with the system called 'democracy' 

It's the same in many countries.

Democracy isn't working.

We continually vilify communism, and send men and women off to die in wars to defend our system, but is it really so much better?



You sound like the large proportion of the electorate that are apathetic. It took them a few generations to become that way, and, short of war, or economic collapse, it will take a few generations to reverse it.


They are perfect fodder for cynical politicians to exploit by seducing them with promises and even bribes with borrowed taxpayer money. 


Waiting for somebody else to come along and change your life for the better, is the old, "Let George do it".


You can either accept the political choices your neighbors make for you, or you can become proactive, and find a candidate who best exemplifies your political viewpoint, and, if none available, at least get behind the closest facsimile, and get out and work for him/her and spread the message to everyone you meet.  That's what the folks who get their people into office do!


If  everybody did that, just not the "other guys" you could see change. If your views are not shared by enough others, you might then question your expectations as being unrealistic. The trope, "Everybody deserves a decent income, decent housing, a decent job at decent wages" sounds good if you're sitting at home on a frosty morning, while other people are out freezing their nuts off in jobs that bring all the world's goods and services you rely on, to your door.


There are more women and minorities in government than ever before, and they didn't get there by complaining on SF 😀


"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country!  JFK

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20 hours ago, Anna B said:

Forget Democracy and 'power to the people,' we are just the rats running round the maze, doing all the work, and being reularly **** on from on high.


Are you really doing "all the work"? 😀


Democracy is a participatory experiment. It is aimed at our "better angels".


The Founding Fathers were well aware that their version of Democracy required the participation of an "informed" electorate.


The First Amendment to the Constitution dealt with free speech, a necessity.


They had to leave that responsibility with The Free Press, and education.


Unfortunately one political viewpoint has come to dominate both The Free Press and education. And censorship, by misinformation, omission, or even intimidation, is on the rise.


Democracy dies when people become apathetic, when they don't vote in great numbers, and when the necessary "informed citizen" is misinformed.


And that's where we are today, and why the great promise of Democracy is dying!


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:


You sound like the large proportion of the electorate that are apathetic. It took them a few generations to become that way, and, short of war, or economic collapse, it will take a few generations to reverse it.


They are perfect fodder for cynical politicians to exploit by seducing them with promises and even bribes with borrowed taxpayer money. 


Waiting for somebody else to come along and change your life for the better, is the old, "Let George do it".


You can either accept the political choices your neighbors make for you, or you can become proactive, and find a candidate who best exemplifies your political viewpoint, and, if none available, at least get behind the closest facsimile, and get out and work for him/her and spread the message to everyone you meet.  That's what the folks who get their people into office do!


If  everybody did that, just not the "other guys" you could see change. If your views are not shared by enough others, you might then question your expectations as being unrealistic. The trope, "Everybody deserves a decent income, decent housing, a decent job at decent wages" sounds good if you're sitting at home on a frosty morning, while other people are out freezing their nuts off in jobs that bring all the world's goods and services you rely on, to your door.


There are more women and minorities in government than ever before, and they didn't get there by complaining on SF 😀


"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country!  JFK


I am far from apathetic, and take politics very seriously, having voted for the three main parties and independents in my time, depending on the candidate, the situation and the circumstances, which is supposedly what 'democracy' is all about. 

How many times have we been told that 'there is always the ballot box' if you are disatisfied with any situation.

I have long argued for a 'none of the above' choice that goes along with the caveat that regime change is needed.


Our current Democratic system is no solution at  all. The system is rigged every bit as much as Putin's communist system, particularly with the FPTP system we employ in Britain which ensures that independent candidates very rarely get elected. Only the two big parties benefit from FPTP which is why neither of the two main parties who always win want it to change. And why if I stood myself as an independent candidate I would have no chance of winning, and if I stood for one of the two main parties. I would be 'whipped' into voting the way the party required whether I agreed with them or not - the reason why the very able Jeremy Corbyn never achieved an effective post in the cabinet, because he voted with his conscience rather than  the party, and look where it got him... 


I used to be an active participent in demonstrations etc, but I've also watched as our rights have been eroded left, tight, and centre, unions have been castrated,  and ill drafted laws such as 'hate speech' put in place with enough gaps round the edges to keep lawyers in permanent employment. (a person' right to justice is also a very movable feast these days)


So, what do you suggest, short od all out revolution?  I believe you voted with your feet Trastrick, and left the country. Good for you, but some might call that running away. It hasn't solved any of the  problems has it? Mainly immigration/ emmigration has just created more.





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14 hours ago, Anna B said:


I am far from apathetic, and take politics very seriously, having voted for the three main parties and independents in my time, depending on the candidate, the situation and the circumstances, which is supposedly what 'democracy' is all about. 

How many times have we been told that 'there is always the ballot box' if you are disatisfied with any situation.

I have long argued for a 'none of the above' choice that goes along with the caveat that regime change is needed.


Our current Democratic system is no solution at  all. The system is rigged every bit as much as Putin's communist system, particularly with the FPTP system we employ in Britain which ensures that independent candidates very rarely get elected. Only the two big parties benefit from FPTP which is why neither of the two main parties who always win want it to change. And why if I stood myself as an independent candidate I would have no chance of winning, and if I stood for one of the two main parties. I would be 'whipped' into voting the way the party required whether I agreed with them or not - the reason why the very able Jeremy Corbyn never achieved an effective post in the cabinet, because he voted with his conscience rather than  the party, and look where it got him... 


I used to be an active participent in demonstrations etc, but I've also watched as our rights have been eroded left, tight, and centre, unions have been castrated,  and ill drafted laws such as 'hate speech' put in place with enough gaps round the edges to keep lawyers in permanent employment. (a person' right to justice is also a very movable feast these days)


So, what do you suggest, short od all out revolution?  I believe you voted with your feet Trastrick, and left the country. Good for you, but some might call that running away. It hasn't solved any of the  problems has it? Mainly immigration/ emmigration has just created more.


If being tired of working hard all my life, creating jobs, and paying half my wages in taxes to lying leftist politicians, who incite hatred against me, as a "rich" exploiter of workers, because I managed to run a successful business, is running away so be it. 😀


If after being born in a bed bug and cockroach and mouse infested row slum with connecting attics and cellars, to a single mother, and then educating myself and traveling the World, to find my dream Paradise Island in my retirement is running away, so be it! 😀


I too worked in politics to make the country a better place.


As a young man in Canada, I worked to elect the far left CCF Leader, Tommy Douglas, who blazed the trail for the future Nationalized Health Scheme, and my other favourite which never came to pass. Nationalized Car Insurance. I believed that the economies of scale would be enormous, if properly run.


In those days, success was encouraged, and not subject to today's Marxist dogma that all employers are by nature, evil, exploitative criminals, and that incompetents, and malcontents and the gender confused, should be on your management team.


I actually supported Obama for President the first time around. I thought he could put to bed the Big Lie that America is a racist state, if he got to be elected with the help of the white majority, to the very Top Job in the entire World.


Another dream shattered. 😀


So having spent my life paying my share and more for the Welfare State, I realized that in my last few remaining years, I would pay a little more attention to my own needs, while I could still enjoy life, and escape the clutches of the charlatans, who have their hands in your pocket and demand even more and yet more of your hard earned stuff. To pay the rent and food, for able bodied folks who spend all day watching the telly.


I ran towards something, not away, and I never looked back!



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2 hours ago, trastrick said:


If being tired of working hard all my life, creating jobs, and paying half my wages in taxes to lying leftist politicians, who incite hatred against me, as a "rich" exploiter of workers, because I managed to run a successful business, is running away so be it. 😀


If after being born in a bed bug and cockroach and mouse infested row slum with connecting attics and cellars, to a single mother, and then educating myself and traveling the World, to find my dream Paradise Island in my retirement is running away, so be it! 😀


I too worked in politics to make the country a better place.


As a young man in Canada, I worked to elect the far left CCF Leader, Tommy Douglas, who blazed the trail for the future Nationalized Health Scheme, and my other favourite which never came to pass. Nationalized Car Insurance. I believed that the economies of scale would be enormous, if properly run.


In those days, success was encouraged, and not subject to today's Marxist dogma that all employers are by nature, evil, exploitative criminals, and that incompetents, and malcontents and the gender confused, should be on your management team.


I actually supported Obama for President the first time around. I thought he could put to bed the Big Lie that America is a racist state, if he got to be elected with the help of the white majority, to the very Top Job in the entire World.


Another dream shattered. 😀


So having spent my life paying my share and more for the Welfare State, I realized that in my last few remaining years, I would pay a little more attention to my own needs, while I could still enjoy life, and escape the clutches of the charlatans, who have their hands in your pocket and demand even more and yet more of your hard earned stuff. To pay the rent and food, for able bodied folks who spend all day watching the telly.


I ran towards something, not away, and I never looked back!



 Please don't take it so personally. You accused me (or people like me of being apathetic, so I suggested you and people like you were running away from the problem by getting out. I don't blame you. But the point was that neither of us has a valid solution to the mess we are in, and how we got here. Nor does the ballot box, so called democracy, seem to offer the solutions.


My own children have legged it to Australia and doing well. I'm happy for them and wish them good luck. Meanwhile another relative, with far more interest and knowledge of world politics than I have, is driving himself mad with anxiety and constantly in a very negative state of mind to the point of mental ill health. 


All equiliberum seems to have vanished from the scene, to be be replaced with worry and angst. I know more than one person  who will not contemplate bringing a baby 'into this world' until it sorts itself out, and other people quietly considering anarchy and revolution to bring about change. When the ballet box in a so called 'democracy' has let them down, and they see their quality of life and opportunities being steadily removed. I'm not sure how to respond except to say that is not the answer. 


But what is? 


The alternative seems to be to ignore it and let the powerhungry do what they will. 

That's not apathy, it's despair.

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

 Please don't take it so personally. You accused me (or people like me of being apathetic, so I suggested you and people like you were running away from the problem by getting out. I don't blame you. But the point was that neither of us has a valid solution to the mess we are in, and how we got here. Nor does the ballot box, so called democracy, seem to offer the solutions.


My own children have legged it to Australia and doing well. I'm happy for them and wish them good luck. Meanwhile another relative, with far more interest and knowledge of world politics than I have, is driving himself mad with anxiety and constantly in a very negative state of mind to the point of mental ill health. 


All equiliberum seems to have vanished from the scene, to be be replaced with worry and angst. I know more than one person  who will not contemplate bringing a baby 'into this world' until it sorts itself out, and other people quietly considering anarchy and revolution to bring about change. When the ballet box in a so called 'democracy' has let them down, and they see their quality of life and opportunities being steadily removed. I'm not sure how to respond except to say that is not the answer. 


But what is? 


The alternative seems to be to ignore it and let the powerhungry do what they will. 

That's not apathy, it's despair.


Don't despair, Anna!


The World will always have the evil power hungry and the wars, poverty and natural disasters. We are just the latest version of the great apes currently on top of the food chain.


It was always thus!


But at the same time, the World, by all metrics, has never been so prosperous and thriving as it is today.


The problem are the nagging naysayers of negativity in the political parties on the Left, and their Media fellow travelers, that prefer to sow hate and division, and keep the population fearful, and dependent, in order to control them, and maintain their power.


It is still a beautiful world for those that can look at the world with their own eyes and not through the second and third hand opinions of the charlatan politicians and pundits on t' telly!



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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

 Please don't take it so personally. You accused me (or people like me of being apathetic, so I suggested you and people like you were running away from the problem by getting out. I don't blame you. But the point was that neither of us has a valid solution to the mess we are in, and how we got here. Nor does the ballot box, so called democracy, seem to offer the solutions.


My own children have legged it to Australia and doing well. I'm happy for them and wish them good luck. Meanwhile another relative, with far more interest and knowledge of world politics than I have, is driving himself mad with anxiety and constantly in a very negative state of mind to the point of mental ill health. 


All equiliberum seems to have vanished from the scene, to be be replaced with worry and angst. I know more than one person  who will not contemplate bringing a baby 'into this world' until it sorts itself out, and other people quietly considering anarchy and revolution to bring about change. When the ballet box in a so called 'democracy' has let them down, and they see their quality of life and opportunities being steadily removed. I'm not sure how to respond except to say that is not the answer. 


But what is? 


The alternative seems to be to ignore it and let the powerhungry do what they will. 

That's not apathy, it's despair.

Crikey, where do they live, Syria,Gaza, Kiev?

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