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Joe Biden Pulls Out Of Presidential Race

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:


Don't despair, Anna!


The World will always have the evil power hungry and the wars, poverty and natural disasters. We are just the latest version of the great apes currently on top of the food chain.


It was always thus!


But at the same time, the World, by all metrics, has never been so prosperous and thriving as it is today.


The problem are the nagging naysayers of negativity in the political parties on the Left, and their Media fellow travelers, that prefer to sow hate and division, and keep the population fearful, and dependent, in order to control them, and maintain their power.


It is still a beautiful world for those that can look at the world with their own eyes and not through the second and third hand opinions of the charlatan politicians and pundits on t' telly!



I agree entirely.

For the first time ever in history there is enough for all, even with an enormous world population, but the distribution is wrong. This should not be an insurmountable problem with a will to improve it.

With enough food and resources world wide there is no need for land grabs, expansionism and wars. 

'Was ever thus' should no longger be a mantra, as for once we have a shot at changing things for the better.

But it's not going to happen because of a handful of psychopathic rulers / politicians that are creating havoc, (nb. not all.)


The people are rightly sick of it, and protesting with their feet. They are on the march.

When will starting /causing  wars be a punishable offence resulting in the removal of said leader (they have to take ultimate responsibility) by putting them in the front line of any offensive.   

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18 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I agree entirely.

For the first time ever in history there is enough for all, even with an enormous world population, but the distribution is wrong. This should not be an insurmountable problem with a will to improve it.

With enough food and resources world wide there is no need for land grabs, expansionism and wars. 

'Was ever thus' should no longger be a mantra, as for once we have a shot at changing things for the better.

But it's not going to happen because of a handful of psychopathic rulers / politicians that are creating havoc, (nb. not all.)


The people are rightly sick of it, and protesting with their feet. They are on the march.

When will starting /causing  wars be a punishable offence resulting in the removal of said leader (they have to take ultimate responsibility) by putting them in the front line of any offensive.   

I hear you!


But it’s not our world anymore.


it belongs to the next generations of those who  hold the power, and those who vote for them.


My participation is now limited to passing along my experiences, and every day, trying to make the World a little better than I found it!


I’m happy with that!

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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

I hear you!


But it’s not our world anymore.


it belongs to the next generations of those who  hold the power, and those who vote for them.


My participation is now limited to passing along my experiences, and every day, trying to make the World a little better than I found it!


I’m happy with that!


It is still our world until we pass on, (in my case I'm hoping for at least another 20 years which is no small amount of time! )

What do kids know?

A historical perspective is necessary to learn lessons from, and life experience brings about wisdom - which is also essential in understanding our choices and how to proress. We have both, So don't write us off too soon...


I've just been watching  'Accelerate or Die' by Jake Chapman, (Sky Arts freevew 36) an interesting exploration of Capitalism and Technology. Capitalism has become the defacto worldwide system, (not in a good way.)  Its joining with accelerating and  advancing technology has made it unassailable. So now we cannot even imagine a world without it.


With the pending blending of technology with Artificial intelligence, we are at a n existential cliff edge in history where it can only go one of two ways.

Either a form of Capitalist fascism where we lose our freedoms and are dominated by hostile interests: an 'us and them' scenario, where a tiny few grow immensly rich at the expense of the rest of us 


World wide egalitarianism where everyone shares the benefits of the advances that technology can bring, to free us from both physical and mental endeavor and give us time to work on our personal growth and what more we can be.


The first allows Capitalism and technology to overwhelm us to the point where we become no more than cogs in the machine, the slaves of Capitalism.

Or the second which requires us to re-evaluate our relationship with money and aquisitions, and share the wealth worldwide, and assess how much work is an essential component of what it means to be human (or not) and whether we can live without it and still prosper as a more thoughtful, creative, and advanced creation.


I know which I'd prefer. And for the first time in history it really is within our grasp.


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1 hour ago, Anna B said:





It is still our world until we pass on, (in my case I'm hoping for at least another 20 years which is no small amount of time! )

What do kids know?

A historical perspective is necessary to learn lessons from, and life experience brings about wisdom - which is also essential in understanding our choices and how to proress. We have both, So don't write us off too soon...


I've just been watching  'Accelerate or Die' by Jake Chapman, (Sky Arts freevew 36) an interesting exploration of Capitalism and Technology. Capitalism has become the defacto worldwide system, (not in a good way.)  Its joining with accelerating and  advancing technology has made it unassailable. So now we cannot even imagine a world without it.


With the pending blending of technology with Artificial intelligence, we are at a n existential cliff edge in history where it can only go one of two ways.

Either a form of Capitalist fascism where we lose our freedoms and are dominated by hostile interests: an 'us and them' scenario, where a tiny few grow immensly rich at the expense of the rest of us 


World wide egalitarianism where everyone shares the benefits of the advances that technology can bring, to free us from both physical and mental endeavor and give us time to work on our personal growth and what more we can be.


The first allows Capitalism and technology to overwhelm us to the point where we become no more than cogs in the machine, the slaves of Capitalism.

Or the second which requires us to re-evaluate our relationship with money and aquisitions, and share the wealth worldwide, and assess how much work is an essential component of what it means to be human (or not) and whether we can live without it and still prosper as a more thoughtful, creative, and advanced creation.


I know which I'd prefer. And for the first time in history it really is within our grasp.



On the contrary, Anna.


We are witnessing the historic demise of Western Democracy, and people are blind to the reality.


The two traditional leaders of the Western coalition, the U.S. and the U.K. are in the death throes, worthy of comparison to the worst excesses of the last days of the Greek and Roman Empires. It's a real life Shakespearian tragedy.


How many U.K. Leaders have risen and fallen in the last 5 years?


In the last week, the U.S. has witnessed 2 attempted coups, with one succeeding. An attempted assassination that came within half an inch of success, and the forced ousting of the current puppet in the White House. Our only ally in the Middle East, Israel,  has been virtually abandoned and its Leader is barely hanging on to power.


The instability is profound. 


Our enemies, and the majority of the World's population, are laughing at our attempts to establish a "New Rules Based Liberal World Order", and foist it on them by bribery, and the doctrine of Regime Change., while at the same time engaging in the worst excesses of any banana republic.😀


Our enemies do not need to invade, it is they who have political stability, and only have to stand by and watch the circus that is Western Democracy, implode from within. They laugh when a delusional self styled "Leader" of the Free world, calls for their demise, "For God's sake, this man can not remain in power", and watch as he himself is removed from power. They laugh when they see the very things they are accused of, assassinations, jailing and ousting of political rivals writ large every day in the so- called "enlightened" West.  


Without stability, it is every man for himself, and nobody is looking or caring for the country. It is an environment that can only lead to more wars and more corruption.


I have seen this coming for some time now, but I was prompted to comment after I saw the first speech given by the latest candidate for U,S. President, another incompetent air brain, who promised only more lawfare war on her domestic political opponents, and not a word about the World, or the real problems her country faces.


History is repeating, but in these days of technology, it is repeating at breakneck speed!


May you find a safe haven!



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i agree with the above too Trastick. 


We have been deliberately destablising other regimes for years, (Tony Blair, 'peace' envoy to the middle east my arse...) 

But they learn fast, and now it's our turn to be destablised with Fake news, cyber attacks, infiltration, etc, and thanks to Thatcher loss of control of our own infrastructure to unfriendly entities.  


It's working well.

Nobody knows who to trust, what's real and what isn't,  what's happening behind closed doors, and how to counter it effectively, and we don't even know who the enemy is.... It's splitting families, societies and entire countries. It's partly what 'woke' is/was about, trying to get the word out, and look what happened to that; hyjacked...

Most people only know they want change, but not what change or how to get it. 

We continue to fund unwinnable wars and poor money into our 'defence' when bombs are not going to defend us let alone save us. Billions and billions of pounds down the drain, when warfare has moved onto a whole new level; why spend money on flattening prime real estate which you probably already own most of, when you can bring a country to its knees with the click of a button.


Just think how those £billions and billions could be spent improving lives...

Interesting times indeed...


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20 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Nobody knows who to trust, what's real and what isn't,  what's happening behind closed doors, and how to counter it effectively, and we don't even know who the enemy is...


There have always been enemies, and by their deeds they are known.


In the distant past, it was the tribe from over the hill, or across the river who raided your village and stole your food, your virgins and enslaved your able bodied.


Later it was the Empires that did the same, and installed their Gods and Chiefs by brute force.


More recently it is a shared Marxist/Fascist/Religious ideology determined to extinguish Western Democracy and its capitalist economies, and consign the individual to serve the State/God (their State/God). You don't need conspiracy theories to verify that. It is apparent in their writings, proclamations, and above all, actions.


From time to time the movement is stemmed by leaders who emerge to push back the tide, but they are fleeting, and soon forgotten in the inevitable incremental advance toward a Global World Order.


Ask yourself today who is responsible for the near bankrupt West, sending $trillions to its sworn enemies in foreign development and humanitarian aid. thus relieving them of their responsibility to feed their own people, and allowing them to spend all their resources on their military war machines, and nuclear development.


The answer is easy.


Just look in the mirror.  It is you and the very people you vote for!



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:


There have always been enemies, and by their deeds they are known.


In the distant past, it was the tribe from over the hill, or across the river who raided your village and stole your food, your virgins and enslaved your able bodied.


Later it was the Empires that did the same, and installed their Gods and Chiefs by brute force.


More recently it is a shared Marxist/Fascist/Religious ideology determined to extinguish Western Democracy and its capitalist economies, and consign the individual to serve the State/God (their State/God). You don't need conspiracy theories to verify that. It is apparent in their writings, proclamations, and above all, actions.


From time to time the movement is stemmed by leaders who emerge to push back the tide, but they are fleeting, and soon forgotten in the inevitable incremental advance toward a Global World Order.


Ask yourself today who is responsible for the near bankrupt West, sending $trillions to its sworn enemies in foreign development and humanitarian aid. thus relieving them of their responsibility to feed their own people, and allowing them to spend all their resources on their military war machines, and nuclear development.


The answer is easy.


Just look in the mirror.  It is you and the very people you vote for!




That just emphasizes the point that Democracy is a sham.

There's no real choice is there? As my Granny used to say, 'it doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always get in.'


Besides with the rise of the mega rich, it's not necessarily governments but individuals putting their spoke in  the wheel. 

When the likes of Elon Musk can afford to put multiple rockets in space, build an underground vacuum travel system,  mine asteroids, and is planning his own moon base, what else can they afford to do? 

They can bypass governments. Money is power.


Tell me what the alternative is.

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