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Kamala Harris

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55 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Good grief!

How can you fail to acknowledge who brought mud slinging in American politics to a whole new level,whether it be the opposition,former Republican allies,the Press corp,.

I see you have espoused the views of Trump on someone laughing as being significant.

How about his comments on the way that she talks?

Whilst totally ignoring Trumps ‘own disjointed ramblings  and butchering of the English(American) language.

Trump is the epitome of narcissism and is at least the equal of Putin in dishing out shameless  lies.



"I condemn all mudslinging, from wherever it emanates".  😷


Let the lady speak for herself!




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54 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Good grief!

How can you fail to acknowledge who brought mud slinging in American politics to a whole new level,whether it be the opposition,former Republican allies,the Press corp,.

I see you have espoused the views of Trump on someone laughing as being significant.

How about his comments on the way that she talks?

Whilst totally ignoring Trumps ‘own disjointed ramblings  and butchering of the English(American) language.

Trump is the epitome of narcissism and is at least the equal of Putin in dishing out shameless  lies.



Different rules for Trump though.  He can mix up Nikki Haley a Republican former Governor of South Carolina with Nancy Pelosi a Democrat former Speaker of the US House of Representatives and mix up Joe Biden with Barack Obama and it doesn't matter.  It doesn't matter to Trump supporters because he told them it didn't, and they adore the Donald, he can do no wrong in their eyes. 

He can blatantly lie, disrespect the disabled, disrespect veterans and have affairs with a porn star while his wife is pregnant and not a word of criticism from his disciples, they are true believers.


Trump knows this, and has stated it openly " I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters " .

Those are the people he relies on and he knows there are enough of them out there to put him in with a chance. Every negative thing which comes to light about him is a conspiracy against the Messiah. Every negative thing said about his opponent is the Gospel Truth.


Einstein explained it best  " Two things are infinite..........................."  


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7 minutes ago, m williamson said:


Different rules for Trump though.  He can mix up Nikki Haley a Republican former Governor of South Carolina with Nancy Pelosi a Democrat former Speaker of the US House of Representatives and mix up Joe Biden with Barack Obama and it doesn't matter.  It doesn't matter to Trump supporters because he told them it didn't, and they adore the Donald, he can do no wrong in their eyes. 

He can blatantly lie, disrespect the disabled, disrespect veterans and have affairs with a porn star while his wife is pregnant and not a word of criticism from his disciples, they are true believers.


Trump knows this, and has stated it openly " I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters " .

Those are the people he relies on and he knows there are enough of them out there to put him in with a chance. Every negative thing which comes to light about him is a conspiracy against the Messiah. Every negative thing said about his opponent is the Gospel Truth.


Einstein explained it best  " Two things are infinite..........................."  



Yeeah, so you've been saying.


Meanwhile, in the White House at the moment are two of the most dangerous security risks you can imagine.


The Leader Of The Free World, a mentally deficient, senile old man, and the the man he considers to be "The smartest man I have ever met", his son Hunter, a deadbeat dad and druggie who raked in $millions from corrupt foreign oligarchs, while accompanying the old geezer around the world, on Air Force 1.


Didn't even pay his taxes on his ill gotten gains.


They have 6 months free to scheme their exit strategy to keep them out of jail.


A little perspective, please! 😷

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1 minute ago, trastrick said:



A little perspective, please! 😷


Hilarious comment from a Trump disciple 🤣.  Find me a post where I supported Biden for another term as POTUS. Neither Trump nor Biden should be in the running. I don't know enough about Kamala Harris at this point but it'll be incredible if she comes anywhere close to being as unsuitable as either Trump or Biden.

The Trumpers will probably have a go at claiming she wasn't born in the USA as they did with Obama I mean not only is she a woman she isn't a WASP either 😲

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25 minutes ago, m williamson said:


Hilarious comment from a Trump disciple 🤣.  Find me a post where I supported Biden for another term as POTUS. Neither Trump nor Biden should be in the running. I don't know enough about Kamala Harris at this point but it'll be incredible if she comes anywhere close to being as unsuitable as either Trump or Biden.

The Trumpers will probably have a go at claiming she wasn't born in the USA as they did with Obama I mean not only is she a woman she isn't a WASP either 😲


Who you support or don't is your own business.


But you really should be aware that the Obama birthing meme was started by a campaign supporter for Hillary Clinton, back when she was running for President against Obama, in 2008.





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45 minutes ago, trastrick said:


Who you support or don't is your own business.


But you really should be aware that the Obama birthing meme was started by a campaign supporter for Hillary Clinton, back when she was running for President against Obama, in 2008.






Who I support or don't is immaterial as I'm not American and don't have a vote. Unfortunately, because of Americas position in the world and the UK decision to play lapdog to the US it matters. Trump will cause us problems if elected.


Your link has been updated https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/birther-movement-founder-trump-clinton-228304 

Neither Hilary nor people in her campaign started the rumour nor did they make the claim The idiot who started it did so without any support from the actual campaign.

That didn't prevent it being resurrected by Trump and used for his own purposes.  Here's  fourteen quotes by Trump attempting to use the birther lie for his own advantage. Those quotes show what a lying, inarticulate piece of crap that man is.

He finally accepted that Obama was born in the USA and stated the fact. Which proves that a number of those comments were knowingly blatant lies.






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13 hours ago, m williamson said:


Who I support or don't is immaterial as I'm not American and don't have a vote. Unfortunately, because of Americas position in the world and the UK decision to play lapdog to the US it matters. Trump will cause us problems if elected.


Your link has been updated https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/birther-movement-founder-trump-clinton-228304 

Neither Hilary nor people in her campaign started the rumour nor did they make the claim The idiot who started it did so without any support from the actual campaign.

That didn't prevent it being resurrected by Trump and used for his own purposes.  Here's  fourteen quotes by Trump attempting to use the birther lie for his own advantage. Those quotes show what a lying, inarticulate piece of crap that man is.

He finally accepted that Obama was born in the USA and stated the fact. Which proves that a number of those comments were knowingly blatant lies.








Here's the genesis of the Obama "birther conspiracy"!

"In 1991, Obama's literary agency, Acton & Dystel, printed a promotional booklet (for Obama's book), which misidentified Obama's birthplace, and stated that Obama was "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii". This error was later included in a biography that remained posted to their website until April 2007. The booklet's editor said that this incorrect information, which was not widely discovered until 2012, had been her mistake and not based on anything provided to her agency by Obama.[32]" - WIKI


It is interesting that it was never "corrected" for 5 years, until after Obama's first term.


"Questions about Obama’s place of birth did surface in an anonymous email in April 2008 that was circulated among some die-hard Clinton supporters, as Obama appeared headed toward the presidential nomination" - PBS


"These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election (2008) circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion, and birth certificate.[42][43]" - WIKI


"Questions about Obama’s place of birth did surface in an anonymous email in April 2008 that was circulated among some die-hard Clinton supporters, as Obama appeared headed toward the presidential nomination" - PBS


"These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election (2008) circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion, and birth certificate.[42][43]" - WIKI


It wasn't until May 2011 that Obama's "real" birth certificate was released and made public. - Center for Public Integrity


In March 2017 "Barack Obama's Trump-supporting half-brother Malik tweets Kenya birth certificate" - Independent

Image here:


A little transparency would have made this tempest in a teapot disappear, like producing the real birth certificate in a normal timely manner, like in 2008 when he was running for office. Why didn't he?


But the complication here can be understood if one subscribes to the deeper conspiracy theory. Namely that Obama had used his Kenyan citizenship to claim foreign student status on his Harvard College application form. (It's not an unusual practice - Another Democrat candidate nicknamed "Pocohontas" did just that, jumped the line of applicants on a false claim to be Indigenous Indian.)


If Obama was promoting his African roots to sell books and get into a prestigious Ivy League school, It would easily explain why his bio remained unchanged until well after he was elected.


I'd put money on that Occam's Razor explanation, because under another bit of "convenient" circumstance, Harvard refuses to release his application form, or his stated place of birth on the form!


Bottom line:

"Actually, he (Trump) did not expressly say Clinton and her campaign started it; he merely noted how they allegedly pushed it. The misleading summation linked to a Politifact round-up of the issue. It noted that a Clinton campaign volunteer, later fired, circulated an email claiming Obama was born in Kenya." - Observer

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:



If Obama was promoting his African roots to sell books and get into a prestigious Ivy League school, It would easily explain why his bio remained unchanged until well after he was elected.


I'd put money on that Occam's Razor explanation, because under another bit of "convenient" circumstance, Harvard refuses to release his application form, or his stated place of birth on the form!


Bottom line:

"Actually, he (Trump) did not expressly say Clinton and her campaign started it; he merely noted how they allegedly pushed it. The misleading summation linked to a Politifact round-up of the issue. It noted that a Clinton campaign volunteer, later fired, circulated an email claiming Obama was born in Kenya." - Observer


You may well be right that that is the explanation, which would mean of course that Barack Obama, who came from a comfortable but not wealthy background used his initiative to 'play the system'.

This means that Barack Hussein Obama isn't a saint, whereas previously we all thought that a man from a modest background had miraculously managed to become the first Africa-American President of the United States whilst behaving in an angelic fashion at all times 🙄.


Meanwhile, Donald John Trump, a man born with  a silver spoon projecting from every orifice and incapable of conducting himself in a decent manner shouldn't be criticised in any way because it's all a conspiracy against a lovely bloke.





What does it matter whether or not Trump said Clinton started the rumour? The point is that he seized on it and repeated the lie again and again for his own purpose.

He is already spewing out lies about Harris to his disciples. He knows they won't bother to check the facts, they'll just accept as gospel anything he says, he's playing the gullible like a one string banjo and they're lapping it up.



Albert was right " Two things are infinite ....................."

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