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Kamala Harris

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On 23/07/2024 at 15:59, Al Bundy said:

Wouldn't they be better off concentrating on refunding the millions they received from the naive and easily fooled to help their members buy big houses?

I was just going to say that 

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53 minutes ago, m williamson said:


You may well be right that that is the explanation, which would mean of course that Barack Obama, who came from a comfortable but not wealthy background used his initiative to 'play the system'.

This means that Barack Hussein Obama isn't a saint, whereas previously we all thought that a man from a modest background had miraculously managed to become the first Africa-American President of the United States whilst behaving in an angelic fashion at all times 🙄.


Meanwhile, Donald John Trump, a man born with  a silver spoon projecting from every orifice and incapable of conducting himself in a decent manner shouldn't be criticised in any way because it's all a conspiracy against a lovely bloke.





What does it matter whether or not Trump said Clinton started the rumour? The point is that he seized on it and repeated the lie again and again for his own purpose.

He is already spewing out lies about Harris to his disciples. He knows they won't bother to check the facts, they'll just accept as gospel anything he says, he's playing the gullible like a one string banjo and they're lapping it up.



Albert was right " Two things are infinite ....................."


I'll ignore the tortuous meanderings of CNN's  (Remember them? The Russian Collusion/Pee Tape hucksters?) "fact checkers" and their nightly line up of known liars and crooks like The FBI Comey cabal, NI Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, jailbirds Cohen and Avenatti flogging every rumor and "allegation", and making up others as they go along!  😷


But your first two cites concerns a 74 year old Trump CFO, who failed to disclose company perks, like a car and a rental, on his tax return, and lying about it. Clean record, first time white collar offender and he gets sent to the infamous Rikers Island Jail, home to the likes of Al Capone and the Son of Sam Serial Killer. But Trump is not guilty by association.


Now the streets of New York are safe again! 😀


A dead cert for pardon if Trump is elected.


Running the White House today you have Hunter Biden, who failed declare and to pay taxes on $millions of dollars in 1918/19 and lied while buying a gat!😀


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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:


I'll ignore the tortuous meanderings of CNN's  (Remember them? The Russian Collusion/Pee Tape hucksters?) "fact checkers" and their nightly line up of known liars and crooks like The FBI Comey cabal, NI Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, jailbirds Cohen and Avenatti flogging every rumor and "allegation", and making up others as they go along!  😷


But your first two cites concerns a 74 year old Trump CFO, who failed to disclose company perks, like a car and a rental, on his tax return, and lying about it. Clean record, first time white collar offender and he gets sent to the infamous Rikers Island Jail, home to the likes of Al Capone and the Son of Sam Serial Killer. But Trump is not guilty by association.


Now the streets of New York are safe again! 😀


A dead cert for pardon if Trump is elected.


Running the White House today you have Hunter Biden, who failed declare and to pay taxes on $millions of dollars in 1918/19 and lied while buying a gat!😀



Wow! You really are a disciple of the The Donald the one and only true messiah aren't you?


 " Infamy, Infamy, They've All got it in for Me! "  The FBI, the CIA, the National Intelligence Service, even  Judges he appointed  are all in it together.  I bet Ben & Jerry's ice cream company and the Boy Scouts of America are involved as well.



Trump is an innocent persecuted man, OK he's a proven liar, a man who committed adultery while his wife was pregnant, he publicly insults veterans and the disabled and he cheats at golf but other than that - and a few other character flaws - the man is in line for canonisation.


Trump isn't guilty by association with a man interviewed and selected by him, Biden is however guilty of association to his son. In which case the queen and Phillip were guilty by association with Andrew weren't they? 


I see The Donald isn't quite as eager to hold a debate with Kamala Harris as he was with Joe Biden, I wonder why? 😉



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15 minutes ago, m williamson said:


Wow! You really are a disciple of the The Donald the one and only true messiah aren't you?


 " Infamy, Infamy, They've All got it in for Me! "  The FBI, the CIA, the National Intelligence Service, even  Judges he appointed  are all in it together.  I bet Ben & Jerry's ice cream company and the Boy Scouts of America are involved as well.



Trump is an innocent persecuted man, OK he's a proven liar, a man who committed adultery while his wife was pregnant, he publicly insults veterans and the disabled and he cheats at golf but other than that - and a few other character flaws - the man is in line for canonisation.


Trump isn't guilty by association with a man interviewed and selected by him, Biden is however guilty of association to his son. In which case the queen and Phillip were guilty by association with Andrew weren't they? 


I see The Donald isn't quite as eager to hold a debate with Kamala Harris as he was with Joe Biden, I wonder why? 😉


He's waiting for the man behind the curtain to endorse her!


Wait! Just in "Obama Endorses Kamilalala" (57 seconds ago).


Now we have an almost Official Nominee, if the Democrat Convention in August goes according to plan. We'll see!


Meanwhile while the voters were being hoaxed yet again by the Democrats, as in up to 2 weeks ago, Biden was on top of his game" and "Sharp as a tack".


Kamilla was the problem who could never beat Trump.


Now he's toast, and she's the second coming!


Enter the deep state players from politics and Hollywood, who have just committed an assault on U.S. Democracy unprecedented in its History.


First they they try to remove the Republican Candidate, and now they've got the Democrat Candidate under House arrest, and only allowed on TV to confess his shortcomings. It all worked like a charm, but the assassin missed, unfortunately for them.


Kamilla will toe the line, but if I were her I'd hire my own secret service detail and a food taster.


A scene straight from Moscow or Beijing or North Korea.


And you and the clapping seals are nattering on about Trump's sex life and his golf scores?  fer chrissakes.


May your God forgive you!


Now I need a little fresh air.

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