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On 23/07/2024 at 09:24, crookesey said:

Well she’s black, she’s female, I didn’t know that qualifications were a requirement. I just wish that she wasn’t so loud, why do American politicians shout all the time? :huh:

It's am American thing to shout they like to hear themselves...

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:



Enter the deep state players from politics and Hollywood, who have just committed an assault on U.S. Democracy unprecedented in its History.


First they they try to remove the Republican Candidate, and now they've got the Democrat Candidate under House arrest, and only allowed on TV to confess his shortcomings. It all worked like a charm, but the assassin missed, unfortunately for them.



The ' Deep State Players '  from Hollywood and Politics that everyone knows the names of?


An ' unprecedented ' assault on US Democracy, really?   More unprecedented than the failure to accept the democratic wishes of the American people clearly expressed in a national election?  More unprecedented than an incitement to  insurrection which was passed by 57 to 43 votes in the Senate? He was acquitted purely because it required a two thirds majority to convict.


The ' assassin ' that was a registered Republican and an incompetent marksman? If all these highly influential ' Deep State ' Trump haters decided to arrange an assassination don't you think that they might just have done a more professional job of it?

Hiring a 20 year old with no previous convictions working as a dietary aid worker in a nursing home would not appear to be an efficient way of going about it.

It's not as though there's any shortage of people with weapons training in America is it? Given the amount of wars the US gets itself involved in there must be an incredible selection of skilled snipers who have a number of kills to their name to choose from. The FBI and CIA must have some information on how to contact a suitable hit man.

But No, " Let's go with the wet behind the ears kid who can't hit the side of a barn, what could possibly go wrong? "


May your brain start functioning.

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5 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Fancy having a private phonecall  and finding out it's been broadcast worldwide . :rolleyes:

I know. I bet she had absolutely no idea the call was about to take place. 

Lucky she was with a camera crew eh? 

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On 23/07/2024 at 09:24, crookesey said:

Well she’s black, she’s female, I didn’t know that qualifications were a requirement. I just wish that she wasn’t so loud, why do American politicians shout all the time? :huh:

It's not just her, about 90% of American women shout rather than talk. That's why many of them have a croaky voice sometimes. A lot of American men also speak to loud.

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18 hours ago, m williamson said:

The ' assassin ' that was a registered Republican and an incompetent marksman? If all these highly influential ' Deep State ' Trump haters decided to arrange an assassination don't you think that they might just have done a more professional job of it?

Hiring a 20 year old with no previous convictions working as a dietary aid worker in a nursing home would not appear to be an efficient way of going about it.

It's not as though there's any shortage of people with weapons training in America is it? Given the amount of wars the US gets itself involved in there must be an incredible selection of skilled snipers who have a number of kills to their name to choose from. The FBI and CIA must have some information on how to contact a suitable hit man.

But No, " Let's go with the wet behind the ears kid who can't hit the side of a barn, what could possibly go wrong? "


May your brain start functioning.




Your "brain" is trying to run, before it can walk! 😀


Your detailed analysis of the correct way to assassinate a President notwithstanding, it's just another leftist knee jerk exercise in setting up a silly strawman and proceeding to knock it down, one detail at a time! 


Nobody is accusing anybody of hiring a deranged individual, much less a "Republican" deranged individual, to assassinate a U.S. President. 😷


But it's a fact of life that there are deranged individuals in life, who, like you, ignore the facts, and respond  to the voices in their heads.


While elite law enforcement is trained NOT to aim for the head of a perp if he is  surrounded and in your sights, rather his lower torso where there's a chance he might live and give an accounting for his crime, and possibly names of aiders and abettors.  But apparently the poor bugger had his head blown off, according to early reports. So he joins Oswald and Ruby as the subject of many books to be written.



"Four days after the assassination attempt, a coherent picture of the moments before the shooting was emerging. But Crooks’ ideology and reasons for pulling the trigger remained a mystery".


And will continue to remain a mystery, and subject to any cocked up theory  that you and everybody else can come up with, like your "Republican shooter" angle! 


But after years of hearing from the Media, and the highest officials in the land that Trump is an existential threat to democracy, a Russian Traitor, a NAZI Hitler, who must be stopped at all costs, at least one Democrat lawmaker calling for his assassination, and a smiling cultural hero holding up his severed bleeding head, I think, had he lived. he would have been institutionalized and excused as a victim of the 'toxic political environment" that is rampant in the U.S. today.


He might just have been a misguided patriot believing the stuff he has been fed by society since he was 13, that Trump is truly evil, and he was preventing the rise of another Hitler, and at the same time, saving democracy.


It wouldn't be the first time, that "true patriots" have been stirred into action, by the rhetoric of the powerful.


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"


There are perhaps three victims of this unfortunate incident, Trump, Crooks, and Democracy.


The blame?  Conspiracy theories aside, It is obvious that Hate was the major emotion at play here.





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1 hour ago, trastrick said:




Your "brain" is trying to run, before it can walk! 😀


Your detailed analysis of the correct way to assassinate a President notwithstanding, it's just another leftist knee jerk exercise in setting up a silly strawman and proceeding to knock it down, one detail at a time! 


Nobody is accusing anybody of hiring a deranged individual, much less a "Republican" deranged individual, to assassinate a U.S. President. 😷


But it's a fact of life that there are deranged individuals in life, who, like you, ignore the facts, and respond  to the voices in their heads.


While elite law enforcement is trained NOT to aim for the head of a perp if he is  surrounded and in your sights, rather his lower torso where there's a chance he might live and give an accounting for his crime, and possibly names of aiders and abettors.  But apparently the poor bugger had his head blown off, according to early reports. So he joins Oswald and Ruby as the subject of many books to be written.



"Four days after the assassination attempt, a coherent picture of the moments before the shooting was emerging. But Crooks’ ideology and reasons for pulling the trigger remained a mystery".


And will continue to remain a mystery, and subject to any cocked up theory  that you and everybody else can come up with, like your "Republican shooter" angle! 


But after years of hearing from the Media, and the highest officials in the land that Trump is an existential threat to democracy, a Russian Traitor, a NAZI Hitler, who must be stopped at all costs, at least one Democrat lawmaker calling for his assassination, and a smiling cultural hero holding up his severed bleeding head, I think, had he lived. he would have been institutionalized and excused as a victim of the 'toxic political environment" that is rampant in the U.S. today.


He might just have been a misguided patriot believing the stuff he has been fed by society since he was 13, that Trump is truly evil, and he was preventing the rise of another Hitler, and at the same time, saving democracy.


It wouldn't be the first time, that "true patriots" have been stirred into action, by the rhetoric of the powerful.


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"


There are perhaps three victims of this unfortunate incident, Trump, Crooks, and Democracy.


The blame?  Conspiracy theories aside, It is obvious that Hate was the major emotion at play here.






Utterly pointless attempting to have a debate with someone like you. You are completely brainwashed and incapable of logic or reasoning.

Firstly, I am not a ' leftist ' nor for that matter am I a ' rightist '. I consider the extremes of both of those political ideologies to be highly dangerous to humanity. Communism and Fascism both end up in destroying the lives and welfare of the population.

But of course in your indoctrinated mind anyone not agreeing with your love affair with Trump has to be a ' lefty '.


If you believe that the shooter was influenced by Trump being compared to Hitler maybe The Donald should be really worried by the choice of J D Vance as his running mate.  Vance once called Trump " a moral disaster " and " a total fraud " and " Americas Hitler ".



What if Vance still believes that, but has decided to deal with  it by ingratiating himself with Trump, becoming Vice President, then assassinating Trump and becoming POTUS himself?

There are people who believe that Lyndon Baines Johnson had a hand in the assassination of JFK in LBJ's state of Texas.  If Trump wins the election perhaps he should avoid paying a visit to Ohio 😲 .

Conspiracy theory or uncanny future prediction?  🤣


" Republican shooter angle "?  Was the shooter a registered Republican? Yes, he was, according to all reports, so in what way was the comment " an angle " other than in your paranoid mind?

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