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Police filmed kicking man's head at airport

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11 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Looks terrible and it's over the top obviously.


However, who would be a cop these days?


Permanently on camera, teased, attacked, bullied, and assaulted, I challenge any person to keep their cool whilst dealing with all these obstacles. They are only human.


I've abso'alutely no doubt what so ever there will be folk out there who want the police to assault them so they can put a claim in.


Personally, I don't know anyone within my circle who has ever had a problem with the police, never been shot at, never been hit, never been assaulted, but then again, myself and my circle obey the law.


Weird eh.

Good post, @Al Bundy.

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The police just can't win, either they're being criticized for not responding to crimes or they're being criticized for overeacting when trying to deal with violent thugs. They're having to deal with levels of violent crime unheard of in the England I grew up in during the 60s and 70s. This is the state of the nation these days.


Knife crime epidemic continues to plague Britain's streets: The last year has seen a 'notable increase' in armed robberies with knives, figures show | Daily Mail Online


Moment 'masked knifeman' is arrested after lieutenant colonel was stabbed '12 times with 10-inch blade' in 20-second rampage outside Kent barracks - before attacker licked blood off his blade | Daily Mail Online


Boy, 15, stabbed to death in Hackney murder outside school gates as police hunt for suspect seen running away from the scene | Daily Mail Online


There's always somebody with a phone filming them when they're trying to deal with violent criminals and they're treated with total disrespect by arrogant yobs who think they rule the streets. No doubt, this officer will be suspended and fired then that'll be one less to deal with the rising tide of violence in this country.

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If anyone else had done this the thread would be full of condemnation.

No judge in this country would listen to anyone trying to validate kicking someone in the head and stamping on their face choose what their occupation was.

The Policeman's action are inexcusable and he should be prosecuted.

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No excuses, if that also is one of the armed offices, I wouldn't like to think he keeps is firearms licence.

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