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Police filmed kicking man's head at airport

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43 minutes ago, steve68 said:

The police officer involved in the stamp and kick, I noted he had taken several forceful blows to his own head immediately before his actions,  would this  have affected his abilities and diminished his judgmental capacity following on from his attackers actions?

Maybe he could employ that vile lawyer, I am sure he would be able to concoct some nonsense that will fool the naive.

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1 minute ago, despritdan said:

A victim of police brutality or an arrogant, violent thug who's finally got the kicking he deserves? Yes and yes. The police officer, in the heat of the moment, certainly overstepped the mark and will probably now be prosecuted and lose his job, meaning there'll be one less officer to deal with the rising tide of violent crime in this country, but when you see the level of violence that he and his colleagues, including 2 women were exposed to, it might not be acceptable but I think it's understandable. This wasn't just a one off incident but a brief insight into what the police now have to put up with on a daily basis in this country because certain demographic groups have been placated and pandered to for so long that they now think they're above the law and the rules don't apply to them.


It's partly the fault of the police themselves and the British Establishment in general for taking a softly softly approach to certain groups for fear of being accused of racism if they don't. Two examples of this crippling fear are the cover up of the grooming gangs and the fear of the security guard at the Manchester Arena of approaching the bomber beforehand because he was a Muslim.


Manchester Arena Inquiry: Security 'did not approach bomber over racism fears' - BBC News


I've just read that the police officers involved might have to go into hiding for fear of reprisals by the Muslim mob and wonder at the state of this country when teachers and police officers have to hide away because of mob rule whilst we're told how enriched we've all been.

Excellent post.


I think you will find that most of the population will agree with you but some just will not admit it because it goes against their political views.



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The Manchester Mayor has made a good statement about this incident.  For legal reasons most of the videos that show what led to this incident can't be made public during the ongoing investigation.  Those supporting one side released footage first to get public support and make the police look the villains. 

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29 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Maybe he could employ that vile lawyer, I am sure he would be able to concoct some nonsense that will fool the naive.

Tangent: Ah yes.  That one.  What a piece of work he is.  The Andrew Tate fan boy who pre-election  - which he lost, thankfully - suddenly recanted his domestic violence banter and his belief that hell is full of women. 

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55 minutes ago, despritdan said:

A victim of police brutality or an arrogant, violent thug who's finally got the kicking he deserves? Yes and yes. The police officer, in the heat of the moment, certainly overstepped the mark and will probably now be prosecuted and lose his job, meaning there'll be one less officer to deal with the rising tide of violent crime in this country, but when you see the level of violence that he and his colleagues, including 2 women were exposed to, it might not be acceptable but I think it's understandable. This wasn't just a one off incident but a brief insight into what the police now have to put up with on a daily basis in this country because certain demographic groups have been placated and pandered to for so long that they now think they're above the law and the rules don't apply to them.


It's partly the fault of the police themselves and the British Establishment in general for taking a softly softly approach to certain groups for fear of being accused of racism if they don't. Two examples of this crippling fear are the cover up of the grooming gangs and the fear of the security guard at the Manchester Arena of approaching the bomber beforehand because he was a Muslim.


Manchester Arena Inquiry: Security 'did not approach bomber over racism fears' - BBC News


I've just read that the police officers involved might have to go into hiding for fear of reprisals by the Muslim mob and wonder at the state of this country when teachers and police officers have to hide away because of mob rule whilst we're told how enriched we've all been.

I think we should consider an alternative scenario in which the men the police arrested were white.  It would be the same  except there would be no accusations of racism of course.  Would that policeman have done the same in the circumstances if the perpetrators were white?  I suspect he would have. The ‘red mist’ that descended I suspect was caused by the perpetrators actions not his skin colour.  Would a white man beaten be a police officer attract this much attention and support from some?

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