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Bad experiences with leadmill bouncers?

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does any of this sound familiar?


was chatting with a colleague who told me she fainted in the leadmill the other night, and got chucked out by the bouncers. they wouldn't let her back in to find her mates, get her bag, nothing.


reminded me, many moons ago, out (at the leddy) with a good friend, very, so very drunk on the vodka, definitely stumbling about. it seemed quite sudden when the bouncer chucked out my mate. i had to vomit at a similar time, so couldn't follow her out (now why have i never learned the art of projectile puke?) when i finished, i found her outside by a wall ok, being taken care of by some random stranger.


at the leddy, memories from even more moons ago, of laughing at my fellow sixth formers, being randomly and violently ejected. also remembered hearing these boys had walked home ok.


it upset me when i got reminded about it. all of us have made ourselves vulnerable by drinking too much at points in our lives. i'm not suggesting we all stop taking risks for our fun. it just seems such bad door policy of the leadmill to chuck people out at their most incapacitated and actively not help them.


have other people had similar experiences?


by the way, i'm not trying to start some "drunken women: the new short skirt - are they asking for it?" kind of thread.

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I personally would much much rather people who were wasted, like in all your above example, got thrown out. Like you said, people puking, falling about etc is not cool. I prefer to drink, enjoy the atmosphere, chat to my friends etc without having to worry about the paralectic. There's a lesson for you;


if you can't handle your drink, don't.

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I think its prob a little bit of both. the leadmill bouncers can be right c*cks in all fairness but they can also be nice too and i have seen both sides for myself, but would agree they are definately among the most easily p*$$ed off bouncers in sheffield. In a way i agree with applejuice that you should be more careful with your drink - you are your responsibility not that of the bouncers, although i guess everyone has got in a state at some point. At the end of the day the bouncers are there purely to maintain order and not to nurse drunks - if someone is causing trouble by any means or being an anoyance to the other people in the club then they are there to eject them.


However, i can see that they maybe should have taken a little more consideration where people are incapitated especially where they are female and vunerable as you say - eg. could have escorted them inside to find their friend so they are not left alone in middle of night as for all they know she could have been spiked or anything. To leave a girl drunk and alone and without their bag - and therefore any money for a taxi or phone to call anyone is possibly a little harsh.

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Sorry, I don't see why doormen should help people who can't help themselves. People should realise their own drinking capacity. While doormen are helping drunk idiots somewhere else there may be a customer who really deserves their help.

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Sorry, I don't see why doormen should help people who can't help themselves. People should realise their own drinking capacity. While doormen are helping drunk idiots somewhere else there may be a customer who really deserves their help.


true but its generally not possible to tell the difference between someone who's drunk and someone who's been drugged, is it fair to leave such a person alone with no money or form of communcation? Bouncers should not be expected to go out of their way to help someone its not their job. However, as human beings they should make a moral decision about leaving someone to be potentially raped or attacked. ejecting someone is fine but they should at least be allowed their bag etc so they can get home or call someone.

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The Leadmill is the only place in Sheffield where I have had regular problems with the bouncers. Very arrogant, compassionless, ego-tripping idiots. I almost came to blows once because they refused to call an ambulance for some random lad they'd dumped on the pavement and allowed to start choking on his own sick. Nice lads. Shame I like the place (on a Saturday) so much otherwise I'd boycott it because of them.

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Sorry, I don't see why doormen should help people who can't help themselves. People should realise their own drinking capacity. While doormen are helping drunk idiots somewhere else there may be a customer who really deserves their help.


To the point of chucking you out without your belongings... presumably including (for a girl) purse, house keys, and mobile all in the handbag. What exactly are they expecting the person to do?

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I could be the only one with this, but I've never found the bouncers to be rude or arrogant and make an effort to great/make eye contact on the way in (which is often returned with "have a good night lads" or some similiar pleasantry).


I've only seen them dealing with those that can't control themselves and I recon this is a good thing, as those out for a decent night out can go without the worry that some shandied up gibbon is gonna spill your drink or barf on yer shirt.


Finally, if the recently ejected detest the decision and continue to be aggressive and get more from the bouncers, they may think twice about goin there again. . and possibly choose a more mainstream muppet venue. .

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To the point of chucking you out without your belongings... presumably including (for a girl) purse, house keys, and mobile all in the handbag. What exactly are they expecting the person to do?


Should have thought of that before gettin so wrecked that they weren't aware that they had bags, keys, phones until they're outside and the self inflicted predicament becomes evermore apparent.

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