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Bad experiences with leadmill bouncers?

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Yeah did you see my comments on another thread? Visited recenltly and one of my mates got chucked out (in fairness he was wasted) but there was also a bloke that looked like he was having a fit and I tried to help him up with the bouncers and another bouncer just kind of came over pushed me out of the way and they dragged him out :huh:

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Oh and a place I avoid because of the bouncers being c*cks is RSVP. I just go next door to spoonies (and take my mates with me). Extremely aggressive snotty 'men' that try to intimidate any bloke they can and look up any lasses skirt they can. They annoyed me - can you tell :hihi:? Well actually it was just the one in fairness to his accomplice colleague.


Oh and something else with RSVP sometimes they charge on the door (varying rates) and it seems to go in the bouncers pockets, is this the boucners ripping them off or do they actually charge entry somewhat randomly sometimes. (this was about 4 or 5 months ago when I still went)

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I used to work at Leadmill and regularly used to on the front door organising guestlists etc, and thus got to know the bouncers extremely well. They are an awesome bunch, and just doing their job. I've seen them throwing people out for whatever reason, but I've also seen them looking after people, espech after one of the arctic monkey gigs, a guy badly hurt his neck and had passed out and they were incredibly professional and looked after him whilst waitin for an ambulance.

And anyway, having to look after a club full of drunken lary ppl day in day out is gonna make anyone a bit grouchy sometimes!


i could not agree more!

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Never had any problems with the doormen at the Leadmill. I was turned away once, as we were in a large group of lads, but they weren't arseholes about it, and they at least told us why we weren't going in.


Fair enough.

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I was refused entry to the leadmill because the bouncers said that I was too drunk. I had only had two pints and one JD, Im a bit of a lightweight admitedly but can certainly handle more than this.


I got the feeling that the bouncer was on a bit of a power trip!


I think this can be endemic with the types of people that can be atracted to that type of job, have to say though I wouldn't want to be the one doing it with the situations they have to put themselves in most nights.

I'm confusing my self, am I slagging of bouncers or defending them?

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I was refused entry to the leadmill because the bouncers said that I was too drunk. I had only had two pints and one JD, Im a bit of a lightweight admitedly but can certainly handle more than this.


I got the feeling that the bouncer was on a bit of a power trip!


I think this can be endemic with the types of people that can be atracted to that type of job, have to say though I wouldn't want to be the one doing it with the situations they have to put themselves in most nights.

I'm confusing my self, am I slagging of bouncers or defending them?



My mate was told he was too ****** and he hadnt had 1 drink!

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