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Winter Fuel Allowance payments scrapped for millions of pensioners.

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3 hours ago, geared said:


Why should the rest of us have to chip in because someone wants to live inside a terrarium?


The boiler must be going like the clappers to keep a house at 25 degrees, the gas bill must get delivered on the back of a low loader

Why should the rest of us have to chip in because someone wants to go to Uni and build £40k of debt.


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5 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Why are people labouring under some kind of misaphrension that all pensioners are skint? 


27% of pensioners are millionaires ffs. 


What about young people who are skint and need to put the heating on, should they get to pay less too? 

Just in case anyone missed it.

"Data the ONS collected between 2016 and 2018 shows that one in five households (22%) in Great Britain, where the main householder (the person responsible for household finances) is over 65, have a household wealth of over a million pounds."

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

Just in case anyone missed it.

"Data the ONS collected between 2016 and 2018 shows that one in five households (22%) in Great Britain, where the main householder (the person responsible for household finances) is over 65, have a household wealth of over a million pounds."

Are you in this bracket because I dont know anyone who is 

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2 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

And a huge chunk of the rest will have decent private pensions. Its mainly the ones who foolishly thought the State Pension alone would be enough who are now in diffs with this.


Pension triple lock, warm home discount and the fact that electricity prices are now much lower compared to any time before May 2023



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