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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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32 minutes ago, horribleblob said:

There's this earlier thread:

I'm probably wrong but I thought the initial tag was Southport stabbing and then a separate one about Southport riots and that Sheffield Forum amalgamated them, may be Sheffield Forum can clarify.

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12 minutes ago, Norbert said:


The person I've spotted at the protest can probably spell and are likely of average intelligence. IMHO they are looking for others to blame for their own personal failures. To put a load of poor innocent people beneath them so they can feel better about themselves. I don't want people like that around me, I don't think my community do either, I think they need to know.

Yes I don't dispute that will be the case for certain elements of the mob.

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1 minute ago, Uggy said:

I'm probably wrong but I thought the initial tag was Southport stabbing and then a separate one about Southport riots and that Sheffield Forum amalgamated them, may be Sheffield Forum can clarify.

Wrong way round; there was an initial thread about the Southport atrocity, and a second one created about the riots, out of respect for the  victims at the dance event; a few posts were moved onto the second thread.
The latter thread was always going to spin off into wider issues, so it seemed appropriate to create a second thread.

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14 minutes ago, RJRB said:

It’s violence aimed at people who quite understandable become frightened.

Its totally indefensible on the part of the thugs and and to see family groups “enjoying”the entertainment is pathetic.

What a way to spend an evening or afternoon.

The growing problem is the total lack of respect and care for other people.

I have been caught up in football violence in the past and mobs have no collective conscience.Individuals can do little or nothing to combat these idiots so we rely on the police to do the job for us.

The clock will not be turned back and to pretend that the violence is directed at illegal immigrants is laughable.

It could be any foreigner living legally in the UK ,and also those first, second or third generation individuals if they are the wrong colour.The same people who may be doctors,nurses,shop keepers,taxi drivers who live in a community.

Call it out for what it is with no excuses


My bold

I have. Its protests by people who are worried about the mass immigration into the UK. Protests that are legitimate. Unfortunately the football hooligan/far right/ racist element is having a field day too and no one is stopping them. 

Stop the thugs. Arrest them.

Let the peaceful protests continue. They aren't all far right whatever. That's just ridiculous and as I said earlier it's lazy too.

People have the right to protest so let them get on with it. 

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7 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Go for it then.

Ruin a potentially innocent man's life.

It's your call 👍


You come across as an apologist for those targeting innocent people, and you also seem to be downplaying the wider effects of this kind of behaviour. I wonder why?

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33 minutes ago, Delayed said:


The protest organiser has come out and said that he never intended for this to happen and wanted a peaceful protest.

That's absolute balls.

If we wanted a peaceful protest he should've marched through the town center. He knew full well that marching outside a migrant hotel would cause provocation on both sides, fear and media attention. 



We had a general election not so long ago, people want Labour to be in charge, not Reform.

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34 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Folk will know deep down that most of these knackers causing trouble wouldn't be able to spell politics never mind know anything about it.


They are the scum of Britain, feckless runts with zero brain or respect for anyone or anything, like I said previously they would be out there causing trouble and looting even if it was Jeremy Corbyn doing the protesting.



Absolutely not condoning the young rioters and arsonists across UK, , but most will be NEET's no future, chaotic familes, etc. All parties, but also the left/progressives have abandoned them,

they are from de-industrialised areas, with very little to look fwd to in life.


They should be punished, but i also note lots of excuses were made by above for the Harehills rioter's etc. On one radical political discussion board, the thread title was Uprising In HareHills!, though some of the more astute laughed at it.

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Just now, Norbert said:


You come across as an apologist for those targeting innocent people, and you also seem to be downplaying the wider effects of this kind of behaviour. I wonder why?

No, he is giving a reasonable explanation for his view, he agrees with you that the folk doing damage need sorting out and arresting.


Unfortunately part of today's problems stem from folk being melodramatic and trying to shout down others by insinuating they are something that they are not, with respect.

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