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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Can you tell me the last time a far right individual blew kids to smithereens?


As above, not for lack of intent.



1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

All the security we have to go through at concerts, stations, airports and the like is it because of...


A. Far right Racists?

B, islamic extremist?


Think carefully now and be honest.


*All* terrorists. 🙄


If you include airports, and thus the wider world:


"the number of far-right attacks continues to outpace all other types of terrorism and domestic violent extremism. Since 1990, far-right extremists have committed far more ideologically motivated homicides than far-left or radical Islamist extremists"


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13 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

People can call me a cynic but I think Labour/the Police put out that they were expecting hundreds of protests and when there were only a few said look how well we’ve done. 

There is no doubt in my mind, I also believe that the trouble that started was, in the first place, started by AGENT PROVOCATEURS, paid for by Whom? Is the problem, the Government, big Business the powers that be? You can see them in a lot of videos like this (videos showing unrest), all dressed in Black.

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If you go on a peaceful protest march, you ought to keep telling yourself that someone is going to try winding me/us up, to do something I/we didn't start out with any intention of doing. Keep thinking this, and you are less likely to get caught up in the moment, less likely to be led astray.

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15 minutes ago, aardvark6535 said:

If you would like to be better advised on what's happening, I BEG you to watch the first 15 minutes of this program -


   Some people like Conspiracy theories and far-right Libertarian propaganda. Some even beg you to watch UK Column.

   Instead look up its founder-Brian Gerrish and his activities.


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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Can you tell me the last time a far right individual blew kids to smithereens?

All the security we have to go through at concerts, stations, airports and the like is it because of...

A. Far right Racists?

B, islamic extremist?

Think carefully now and be honest.

   I have and I have concluded that your game of 'my terrorist is better than your terrorist' is missing the correct answer which is of course:

         C. Terrorists?



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2 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   Some people like Conspiracy theories and far-right Libertarian propaganda. Some even beg you to watch UK Column.

   Instead look up its founder-Brian Gerrish and his activities.   

I've come across them previously and was preparing an answer,  with a few links, but got distracted by a previous post.

Concern over extreme opinions Totnes Times

Councillors have expressed concern about a group distributing extremist newspapers from the Shady Garden in the centre of Totnes.

The group gives out copies of The Light, a free, far-right and anti-semitic newspaper which features conspiracy theories. It claimed Covid was a hoax and supports other extremist themes.

They set up a marquee in the garden every Saturday which also features a giant banner for UK Column, a website featuring conspiracy theories and antisemitism.

UK Column: Covid conspiracy theories run wild on the channel for lockdown sceptics The Times via archive.is

At first glance the slick production looks like the work of Sky News or the BBC but this is not a conventional news channel. Brian Gerrish, a former Royal Navy lieutenant commander, nods in approval as his co-presenter tells the audience: “The Public Health England report seems to show very clearly that should you fall ill with Covid-19 as a vaccinated person, you’re much more likely to die as a result.”
https://hopenothate.org.uk/case-files-uk-column/  HNH, so several members here will immediately dismiss it.

UK Column is a conspiracy theory-oriented online media outlet. Founded in 2006 by Brian Gerrish and aiming to “highlight the rise of a dangerous political dictatorship”, UK Column was originally a small newsletter but has grown into a website that produces a regular stream of articles, video content and occasional offline meetings.

The site received a considerable boost during the COVID-19 pandemic, and remains a significant voice in the UK conspiracy theorist alternative media.

UK Column also has areas of overlap with the far right. For example, the site has focussed on Drag Queen Story Hour, in step with a broader far-right backlash against the children’s storytelling events, which UK Column presented as a deliberate plot to “brainwash” children.

Far-right ideologies promoted by the outlet include the “Cultural Marxism” theory, and even the “Kalergi Plan”, a variant of the White Genocide conspiracy theory that alleges that a sinister plot is underway to wipe out white Europeans.

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:


Left or Right, violence is never the answer. However IMO Fairness is. 

We now have many different factions banding together out of sheer frustration. All are wanting a better deal, and more say in what happens but are deliberately ignored. The ballot box / democracy and isn't working.



There are parish councillors, City/Borough Councillors etc and MPs, they need to be actively doing good work for the conspiracy theorists to look like fools.

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1 hour ago, Bamanamanana said:


As above, not for lack of intent.




*All* terrorists. 🙄


If you include airports, and thus the wider world:


"the number of far-right attacks continues to outpace all other types of terrorism and domestic violent extremism. Since 1990, far-right extremists have committed far more ideologically motivated homicides than far-left or radical Islamist extremists"


Just remember that the next time you have to be at the airport 3 hours early or children have to go through extra security at concerts.


Those damn far right nutters.

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