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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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11 minutes ago, Delbow said:


You're making a lot of assumptions here. As you'll know, plenty of trade unionists take part in anti-racism protests, and over the last few years trade unionists have been successfully defending people's jobs and conditions and winning wage increases. Acorn members take part in anti-racist protests and also help people stand up to bad landlords and get repairs done, among many other things. You seem to have imagined a binary where everyone who goes on an anti-racist protest is a middle class liberal who takes no other political action, but it's a false binary. What we are lacking at the moment is the structure within which to address the wider issues for working/low income people, now that the Labour Party no longer serves that purpose. But that's not the fault of anti-racists.

No not really. I’m not talking about trade unions; I’m well aware they support anti racist protests.  And to be clear (although I thought I’d made this clear before)  I’m not saying that being anti racist is wrong of course.  I am talking about why many working class people feel abandoned.  It is

 inequality of wealth at the heart of it.  I remember recently a thread about neo liberalism and very strident forum member trying to squash me for daring to suggest that it’s just maybe not good and healthy for society as a whole for most wealth to be hoarded by a billionaire elite.  Ooo silly me!

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8 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I just wonder whether the working class, if indeed that is the background of those who've rioted, are just being used as useful idiots, by middle class and upper class people who share their same prejudices, but who would be too embarrassed to speak for themselves?


The white working class is the group that struggles the most, perhaps we could bring in laws to help white poor people? Or maybe this is the result of the church having less of an influence and in other social groups the family is a better group?

Have we supported single parents, at the expense of supporting the family?

I would still lock up the rioters!

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Just now, El Cid said:


The white working class is the group that struggles the most, perhaps we could bring in laws to help white poor people? Or maybe this is the result of the church having less of an influence and in other social groups the family is a better group?

Have we supported single parents, at the expense of supporting the family?

I would still lock up the rioters!

The white working class are not a fashionable cause to support unfortunately.  That is why they feel abandoned.


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16 minutes ago, Mister M said:



Since the riots began, numerous commentators in the press and broadcast media have been giving a great deal of succour to the rioters - about how politicians should listen to them, negotiate with them, take them seriously etc....

It seems to me that working class people have protested and sometimes rioted throughout the ages, yet those above them in the pecking order have usually called for harsh crackdowns and the police and law to get tough with them.

I just wonder whether the working class, if indeed that is the background of those who've rioted, are just being used as useful idiots, by middle class and upper class people who share their same prejudices, but who would be too embarrassed to speak for themselves?

The real ‘useful idiots’ are the asylum seekers.  Who are being used by the elite to divide and conquer ordinary people.

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3 minutes ago, redruby said:

No not really. I’m not talking about trade unions; I’m well aware they support anti racist protests.  And to be clear (although I thought I’d made this clear before)  I’m not saying that being anti racist is wrong of course.  I am talking about why many working class people feel abandoned.  It is

 inequality of wealth at the heart of it.  I remember recently a thread about neo liberalism and very strident forum member trying to squash me for daring to suggest that it’s just maybe not good and healthy for society as a whole for most wealth to be hoarded by a billionaire elite.  Ooo silly me!


The billionaire elite live where ever offers the lowest tax rates, blaming billionaires is just the easy way out. Millions of benefits go unclaimed, our problems will not be solved by increasing taxes on billionaires.

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1 minute ago, El Cid said:


The billionaire elite live where ever offers the lowest tax rates, blaming billionaires is just the easy way out. Millions of benefits go unclaimed, our problems will not be solved by increasing taxes on billionaires.

Ok.  So what’s your solution when ordinary people have a share an ever diminishing  slice of the cake and then start fighting each other when one group perceives another is getting more?. Whilst the super rich enrich themselves further.  Just roll over and accept it? If your forebears had done that we would still be sending children up chimneys.

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9 minutes ago, redruby said:

Ok.  So what’s your solution when ordinary people have a share an ever diminishing  slice of the cake and then start fighting each other when one group perceives another is getting more?. Whilst the super rich enrich themselves further.  Just roll over and accept it? If your forebears had done that we would still be sending children up chimneys.


You do sound like you are saying rioting is justified. P

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9 minutes ago, El Cid said:


You do sound like you are saying rioting is justified. P

No, I’ve always been clear about these being reasons not excuses.  Some people may not like the reasons but that doesn’t stop them existing. 

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9 minutes ago, El Cid said:

You do sound like you are saying rioting is justified. Poor white boys do poorly in education, start there.

So why is this the case do you think?  

BTW if you said the same about Asian or black boys, you know what would happen don’t you?

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