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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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26 minutes ago, gamezone07 said:

The wider left , progreesives seem incapable now on dealing with basic issues like housing, social security cuts(New New Labour now calling DWP Dept of Work) economic inequality. They seem to see most W/C and poor as thick, racists, etc, especially since Brexit, and partcicualrly the BFPE crowd. It used to be anti-fascism 101 to take on the economic causes of fascism as well as physical force: Wal Hannington of the National Unemployed workers Union(NUWM) and its members fought the Means Tests, as as well as raising money for Spain, though as usual it was the middle classes who did more for the latter.


oh and are people aware the the W/C and that includes what was the WWC are more likely to integrate, mary have childrend with other POC.


I wonde rif any of the young radicals who made up most of the counter protests know anything about the above.

I think some of them should try living in a dilapidated council house on Parson Cross for a month.  Struggling to pay energy bills.  Dealing with leaks, mould and unsafe stairs and having to constantly contact the council for repairs and having to escalate matters to get things done. 

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3 minutes ago, redruby said:

I think some of them should try living in a dilapidated council house on Parson Cross for a month.  Struggling to pay energy bills.  Dealing with leaks, mould and unsafe stairs and having to constantly contact the council for repairs and having to escalate matters to get things done. 

They don't give a crap about them.

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15 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

So how is it false information ?

If you go on Twitter and type in Sheffield that clip has been reposted hundreds if not thousands of times all around the world.

The captions with it usually go something like … “Gangs of Muslims with machetes attacking police/white people”

it’s not just false information, it’s dangerous lies and Twitter is absolutely full of it 

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6 minutes ago, atticus said:

If you go on Twitter and type in Sheffield that clip has been reposted hundreds if not thousands of times all around the world.

The captions with it usually go something like … “Gangs of Muslims with machetes attacking police/white people”

it’s not just false information, it’s dangerous lies and Twitter is absolutely full of it 

And still the gullible fall for it.

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5 hours ago, redruby said:

Yes, but perhaps those doing good with their counter protests should also protest for those people struggling in dilapidated houses on council estates.  Those struggling with hospital waiting lists and GP appointments.  Struggling with energy bills.  Because until they do and working class stop feeling abandoned, trouble will keep simmering under the surface and will boil over again.

I'm sure there are ppl in those counter demos struggling too, with the above.


But unlike the thuggish far right indigenous persons, they're not venting out their anger by going on a rampage. 

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46 minutes ago, gamezone07 said:

I probably have met you over the years, clogging up meetings with your pet interests, etc. I studied public disorder at Uni, for example, the anti thatcher demo outside the Cutlers Hall in the 80's

was analsyed by SHU academics, 80% were classes as M/C, not many miners sadly, though were present at the one outside NUM HQ.


Nah I think you were probably a bit before my Sheffield days. I did do some early campaigning around the introduction of ESA with 'Bigfoot' Dave and others but not sure I encountered you - unless you're 'Bigfoot' Dave!

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4 minutes ago, gamezone07 said:

Perhaps Look North, Star, Tribune, could look into it, it clearly happened at some point, and should be investigated



don't you agree?


I'm not sure how urgent it is that we investigate some people running around

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An obvious point to make (you'd think, anyway) about deliberately false information is that if things really were as bad as these right wingers make out, they wouldn't need to make anything up.

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15 minutes ago, gamezone07 said:

Perhaps Look North, Star, Tribune, could look into it, it clearly happened at some point, and should be investigated


don't you agree?


Investigate what? The video shows a scene from Sunday afternoon in which a police van responding to reports of trouble round the corner from Barkers Pool, driving away towards Leopold Street. A large number of the counter-protest/anti-facism crowd then follow the van, many of them running, presumably in order to face down the reported trouble that the police van was responding to.



Last night, a co-ordinated group of known right-wing, trouble-making social media accounts circulated the same video, using captions to suggest that it was current (as opposed to several days old) and that it showed 'armed gangs of muslims causing havoc in Sheffield' (as opposed to what I describe above). This was reacted to in the comments by countless people (and probably many AI bots) across the UK and US many of whom have never set foot in Sheffield acting as if this was proof that Sheffield and the UK as a whole had 'fallen to Islam' and that the police had double-standards, were running away from muslim attackers, etc. etc., none of which is actually true.



Anyone who doesn't get how that constitutes misinformation needs to have a word with themselves.


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