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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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2 hours ago, Mister M said:

The Express and Mail are utterly shameless.

Hopefully their comments sections will be groaning under the weight of readers taking the pi**.


Perhaps, but do you not think that if there were only a few people turning up to your event about social care, yet another event about an asylum seeker was pulling more people in then the correct response is to look at yourselves rather than disparage the other lot as 'middle class' ? 

Classic example is this post:


How do you know how much money someone has in their bank account?


But I wouldn't worry anyway - these things tend to be cyclical - what's fashionable today, will be unfashionable tomorrow.

Unbelievable hypocricy from DM and DEx.

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6 hours ago, melthebell said:

I absolutely love this picture from Brighton last night, the racist wannabe rioters are inside the small police cordon against the wall lol


So i have a farcebook friend who comes from Brighton, shes been enlightening me about last nights goings on in Brighton, i find what she said so funny, i think a comedy episode could and should be made.


I'll copy her exact words here.


they were spotted at the station by a samba band and a squad of drag queens, hard to creep about being shady with that lot following you about....Only in Brighton 🤣🤣🤣

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6 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Aren't people suspended then investigated and then expelled?


Given that this whole saga began because of disinformation and racism I think race is an important factor. I've said nothing about class.

Yes I did see the slit throat gesture that was made to asylum seekers in hotel in Rotherham. I didn't mention it before - did you?


Wife of Tory councillor arrested for racial hatred after calling for rioters to 'set... - LBC

There you go 



I don't think that?

I do get ****** off though when those who rioted smashed and burned down their library - it kind of makes it hard to call for more investment into these areas when that happens, Not only that but continually run down their areas. 

I know it's a small minority that do this, but the likes of Lee Anderson who says we should negotiate with them. I just wished they had a bit more pride in their areas.


You said white privilege is not being ‘racially abused’..  I explained that racism is not just ‘racial abuse’.  In fact most racism experienced by BME people is not ‘racial abuse’, it’s discrimination and stereotyping.  So I explained that poor, white working class peopled suffer from discrimination and stereotyping too.  Not for the colour of their skin  but from their background.

And I could equally say that certain areas of Sheffield which are predominantly inhabited by ethic minorities are ‘run down’ and vandalised.  And have high crime rates. For example Page Hall.  Pitsmoor.  Fir Vale.  Burngreave. Do you stop having sympathy for the people living in those areas because they are run down?  Or are you sympathetic because those people live in deprived areas?  Does that the fact they are mostly ethnic minorities make a difference? Do you feel they don’t have pride in their areas too?

And now think about how you feel about Manor, Wybourn, Parson Cross.  Are those run down because they are deprived areas?  Does it make a difference that they are mostly white people?

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