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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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7 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Because, unlike some, you can think for yourself?


I like to think so, but I am not an educated person. People do criticise our education system, the schools don't teach people how to think, only how to pass exams.

In 10 years, we will be like the USA, voting for Boris mk2

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4 minutes ago, gamezone07 said:

Re, the labour cllr, the throat slitting remarks, The convenor from SUTR used to be a full timer for SWP here in Sheff(actually quite liked her) but seeing her laughing

was really really not very nice,  (along with some others) though not many cheered, the Amnesty woman didn't know were to look, though AI has had mission creep, open borders, etc.

They(SUTR) should stick to 'Smash the Nazis' Oh, and SUTR is another SWP fornt, thats why she was convenor of the counter protest

And a few of these peaceful types  applauded him .

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42 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I'd be surprised if it was asylum seekers who were getting these properties as they don't qualify for that type of housing, and tend to get shared rooms in b&bs etc. 

With regards to the rioters not having pride in their areas, or those of other people. I stand by that comment.

I will also say that some of the scummy rioters descended on to Southport, the scene of of one of the most heinous crimes in recent years, and smashed it up. One of the mothers whose child was taken away from her, had to take time out of her grief to beg others to stop smashing up the neighbourhood. 

How rioting helps the situation is anyone's guess. 


I said immigrants legal or not . Never mentioned asylum seekers .plase do not twist words to meet your agenda 

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11 minutes ago, El Cid said:


They may feel abandoned, but surely everyone is treated the same.

As a poor working-class white male, I didn't feel the need to march or riot.

I work and have always worked, never had a problem when it came to getting my council house repaired.

So why am I different, why didn't the likes of Nigel Farage wind me up?

Same here. 

Apart from when I was a full time student I've always worked, I didn't feel the need to march or riot, and I refuse to feel like a victim and claim that I've been abandoned. 

And certainly would never allow a fraud like Nigel Farage to speak for me. He won't even speak for the people he's paid to represent, the people of Clacton. 

Anyway, just give it some time before more people start to see through him.

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1 minute ago, El Cid said:

People do criticise our education system, the schools don't teach people how to think, only how to pass exams.

In 10 years, we will be like the USA, voting for Boris mk2

I have no idea what the schools teach these days, but they certainly did teach you to use your brain when I as there - mind you, that was 50+ years ago.

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1 minute ago, RollingJ said:

I have no idea what the schools teach these days, but they certainly did teach you to use your brain when I as there - mind you, that was 50+ years ago.


The problem may be at home, smartphones.

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I think a of it is to do with upbringing . I can remember early 80's ( poll tax riots ?)  a group of older mates were planning to join in , just to loot jewelry shops .  They didn't but they put a lot of thought into it .  

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Just now, El Cid said:


The problem may be at home, smartphones.

As I said, I have no idea what the education system is like these days, although it appears to be dumbed down - I have a very intelligent great-niece and her parents are constantly asking the school to stretch her learning, only to told, in effect, 'no we can't do that, it might upset some of her slower class-mates.' :cry:

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5 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

As I said, I have no idea what the education system is like these days, although it appears to be dumbed down - I have a very intelligent great-niece and her parents are constantly asking the school to stretch her learning, only to told, in effect, 'no we can't do that, it might upset some of her slower class-mates.' :cry:

Now that is absolutely ridiculous & so typical of some teachers now . " Lets not offend people " . It's holding your Great Niece back Rolling .Not fair & unjust 

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