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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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25 minutes ago, El Cid said:


They may feel abandoned, but surely everyone is treated the same.

As a poor working-class white male, I didn't feel the need to march or riot.

I work and have always worked, never had a problem when it came to getting my council house repaired.

So why am I different, why didn't the likes of Nigel Farage wind me up?

I have already said rioters and the white working class are not one and the same.


I am not making excuses for rioters.  I am saying that this unrest didn’t spring from nowhere.  I don’t want to repeat myself at length again so have a read of this if you want to understand more about the issues https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/aug/08/labour-riots-violence-economic-social-factors


And I’m pleased you haven’t had problems getting your council house repaired.  Unfortunately too many other people have had problems, and even SCC acknowledge the delays are unacceptable.

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My friend with two kids has just has their rent put up only a year in the new house, plus the agent  seems to be hinting the tenancy won't last forever


where is the liberal left support for her?  then again, many of them are gentrifiers from the South who are contributing to the crisis


Oh, and Acorn would only go to the landlords house, which would make matters worse

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17 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Same here. 

Apart from when I was a full time student I've always worked, I didn't feel the need to march or riot, and I refuse to feel like a victim and claim that I've been abandoned. 

And certainly would never allow a fraud like Nigel Farage to speak for me. He won't even speak for the people he's paid to represent, the people of Clacton. 

Anyway, just give it some time before more people start to see through him.

And the same response again:


I am not making excuses for rioters.  I am saying that this unrest didn’t spring from nowhere.  I don’t want to repeat myself at length again so have a read of this if you want to understand more about the issues https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/aug/08/labour-riots-violence-economic-social-factors


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12 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

I think a of it is to do with upbringing . I can remember early 80's ( poll tax riots ?)  a group of older mates were planning to join in , just to loot jewelry shops .  They didn't but they put a lot of thought into it .  

Poll tax was much later, it was the Brixton copy cat riots, same where i lived

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15 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

I think a of it is to do with upbringing . I can remember early 80's ( poll tax riots ?)  a group of older mates were planning to join in , just to loot jewelry shops .  They didn't but they put a lot of thought into it .  

You haven’t the slightest clue what you’re on about.

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17 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

I think a of it is to do with upbringing . I can remember early 80's ( poll tax riots ?)  a group of older mates were planning to join in , just to loot jewelry shops .  They didn't but they put a lot of thought into it .  

You haven’t the slightest clue what you’re on about.

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18 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

I think a of it is to do with upbringing . I can remember early 80's ( poll tax riots ?)  a group of older mates were planning to join in , just to loot jewelry shops .  They didn't but they put a lot of thought into it .  

You haven’t the slightest clue what you’re on about.

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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

I live on a lovely council estate ,  mostly nice gardens and open spaces , The houses are mostly lived in by older retired working people , Over the last 2 years the housing department have started importing  drug addicts , as well as so called immigrants illegal or not .  The houses in their possession  (apart from one lovely lass). Have deteriorated, the gardens and hedges have been allowed to go wild , These  unfortunate incomers are often to be seen smoking weed outside the property,   When the old tenants ask the housing officers why is this being allowed to  happen they reply  “ They have priority “.  So our kids and grand kids who need a place of their own are discriminated against they have no chance of getting their own place .

Think before you make the more pride in areas comments .   Many council estates are ruined by the social workers , housing officers and bloody do gooders giving priority to the poor unfortunate sods who have never done a day’s work in their lives .

They are laughing at us .


Bang on but no one will do anything about it.

It's amazing how many become car dealers as well.


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