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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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10 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

Yeah, can we stick to the topic... yes there's lots of faxctors at play for the reasons for the recent incidents. We don't need to keep derailing back to Parson Cross (which itself hasn't seen any issues in these incidents, and neither has Sheffield in general either, thankfully... so it's becoming a bit of a stretch to keep banging on about here). There's a thread for Parson Cross, if you want to discuss that issue go there, otherwise you're just now trading in whataboutery.



I agree in part that there are are a number of factors for the recent disturbances, but, despite the claims by a certain poster on here, you cannot deny that certain high-profile individuals have taken the opportunity to use them to their own ends.

If they were, as is claimed , due to social and economic issues, why did they kick off merely following a couple of incidents (Harehills and Southport) which were described  as being due to people of a different culture, and why were the consequent damp squibs aimed at immigration services and 'migrant' hostels?

9 hours ago, redruby said:

Parson Cross was merely an example.  However, we should not deny social and economic factors as a factor in these riots.  It is too simplistic to say tbd riots are merely the actions of some far right thugs.  

There were 'social ' factors' used by the likes of Farage and Musk, true, but they were merely excuses for furthering their own racist agendas, and fortunately they were sussed out and countered by the vast majority of normal people of all cultures/religions/races  who merely want to get on with their lives in as much harmony as possible.

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