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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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33 minutes ago, Baz1 said:

😆  A bit like the Rwanda plan. 

Yes, let's see how long that one lasts before it's blocked, plus they will have to send everyone who expresses sympathy for innocent Palestinian civilian  deaths as well. 

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Labour has ‘no plans’ to send prisoners to Estonia to ease overcrowding, says No 10 – Guardian
A Downing Street spokesperson has said that reports the government were planning to send prisoners from England and Wales abroad to Estonia due to over-crowding were plans laid by the previous Conservative administration, and that it has no plans to implement the policy.

PA Media reports the spokesperson said:

The justice secretary has been clear that we have to bring in reforms to tackle the prison capacity crisis.

That’s why, alongside our commitment to build more prisons, we will be publishing a 10-year strategy in the autumn to set out how we will ensure that we always have the places we need to keep dangerous offenders behind bars.

On those reports specifically, I would point out that this was the policy of the former government and that this government has made no such plans or announcements with regard to Estonia.

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not sure I agree with some of this.  I'm from Southport and the attacker's name and home location was on the local FB tittle tattle "news" sites within hours. 


The taxi driver who took him there even posted that he was feeling awful about it.


The problem was lies posted on Twitter, which were  then shared without fact checking.


Riots ‘show why public must be told more about mass terror attacks’

Terrorism specialist Jonathan Hall says unrest in wake of Southport attack reveals danger of ‘information vacuum’


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Should be good for a few years at least..



Man sent race hate posts during summer riots

A man has admitted posting social media messages designed to stir up racial hared as riots hit the UK.


Ehsan Hussain, from Birmingham, has been warned to expect a substantial custodial sentence.


The 25-year-old pleaded guilty at the city's magistrates' court on Wednesday to distributing threatening, abusive or insulting material between 3 and 6 August.


Hussain was remanded in custody for sentencing at crown court on Friday.


The defendant, of Coventry Road, spoke only to confirm his plea and personal details.


His solicitor Aftab Zahoor said the offending was "commissioned initially out of curiosity" and he wrote messages "to take a poke" at others.


"He is apologetic and remorseful for his actions," Mr Zahoor said.




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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

Why has Tommeh Ten Names not yet been arrested for inciting an insurrection on Downing Street in the 26th October? 

Apparently he's in court soon so maybe he'll be arrested/charged when he lands back in the UK? 

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

Apparently he's in court soon so maybe he'll be arrested/charged when he lands back in the UK? 

Thats on unrelated matters, I believe. But yes. 


Of course he will convince his acolytes that he's being arrested for organising a demonstration and they will all lap it up. 

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