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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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30 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:


Yes, but the majority of people aren't out causing mayhem are they. My point is that it's got to a point where everyone is completely p*ssed off with how things are going, and as a result of that there will always be a handful of people who go too far which I don't condone.


It's the same with anything. If you suppress/ignore something for too long then it's going to boil over.


I agree. but it's been going wrong for 14+ years (more like 40 actually) and nothing has been done to sort out any of the many problems. In fact they've got considerably worse. We've even had election, but people obviously don't think that is going to make much difference and they're probably right. So much for democracy. Half of them probably don't even know what they're fighting about, they're just bloody angry.


How much more patience do people have to have?  And what can they do about it? 


So some hot heads take to the streets with frustration and cause mayhem. Very wrong of course, but what do you say to them as a viable alternative?


The police are stretched too thin thanks to cuts, the prisons are full thanks to cuts. Social services and youth services are none existent thanks to cuts....  Education,  is teaching the wrong things... etc etc. 

It's a powder keg, and as you say, you can't keep a lid on it forever without it exploding.


Let's hope the politicians take note.

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10 minutes ago, Anna B said:


I agree. but it's been going wrong for 14+ years (more like 40 actually) and nothing has been done to sort out any of the many problems. In fact they've got considerably worse. We've even had election, but people obviously don't think that is going to make much difference and they're probably right. So much for democracy. Half of them probably don't even know what they're fighting about, they're just bloody angry.


How much more patience do people have to have?  And what can they do about it? 


So some hot heads take to the streets with frustration and cause mayhem. Very wrong of course, but what do you say to them as a viable alternative?


The police are stretched too thin thanks to cuts, the prisons are full thanks to cuts. Social services and youth services are none existent thanks to cuts....  Education,  is teaching the wrong things... etc etc. 

It's a powder keg, and as you say, you can't keep a lid on it forever without it exploding.


Let's hope the politicians take note.


What a load of old pony...


coming on with all that downtrodden workers, rich versus poor, neoliberalism is to blame guff.


The participants in all this are not downtrodden, starving to death, street homeless, struggling to make ends meet.  


There are a load of moron racist flag-shagging GB news watching thugs fuelled by moron racist pot stirring gob****e journalists all looking for a an excuse for a rumble with some tenuous link to brown people.


It's just summer and as has happened many many times before. Certain elements of society just find any old excuse to cause trouble and smash things up.  

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1 hour ago, Vrsaljko said:


Yes, but the majority of people aren't out causing mayhem are they. My point is that it's got to a point where everyone is completely p*ssed off with how things are going, and as a result of that there will always be a handful of people who go too far which I don't condone.


It's the same with anything. If you suppress/ignore something for too long then it's going to boil over.


The majority of Muslims weren’t out rioting in Harehills. The majority of second generation immigrants don’t go around stabbing people.


Just for balance.

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