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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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1 minute ago, Baz1 said:

They'll have to call in army soon.

I don't think that will happen tbh.

The rabble rousers and thugs are very much in the minority. There's more police than knuckle daggers. 

What annoys me is the peaceful protesters aren't calling out the thugs!! 

Call them out! Make them unwelcome. They aren't needed or wanted and are just there to stir the pot 

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1 hour ago, peak4 said:




Tommy Robinson isn't the type to engage in dialogue- he's a nasty person who is hell bent on creating division. 


This imam saying "send your intellectual edl members" 😆 🤣 


Doubt there are any. People like these just want to cause havoc.


No respect for innocents, police, buildings- just social media influenced nut jobs.

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1 minute ago, Baz1 said:


Tommy Robinson isn't the type to engage in dialogue- he's a nasty person who is hell bent on creating division. 


This imam saying "send your intellectual edl members" 😆 🤣 


Doubt there are any. People like these just want to cause havoc.


No respect for innocents, police, buildings- just social media influenced nut jobs.

My bold

Someone should tell him the edl are no more and haven't been for a while now.

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Just now, The_DADDY said:

My bold

Someone should tell him the edl are no more and haven't been for a while now.


Back in the old days they were called the BNP, then EDL, now their referred party is Reform.

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I don't like putting false information out on social media, so I do hope I am totally wrong with this


Has anyone heard of any social disturbance in the city centre today


Please tell me what I have just read on the Nextdoor web site is totally wrong !


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Well here's a thing, I'm looking through pictures of what's going on in Rotherham and woah it's my neighbour in amongst the baying mob, not throwing stuff or masked, but from the demeanour and mouth partially open I'm guessing they are egging on the thugs, or resting between thuggery, who knows.


Ours is a very progressive multi-everything community, and we are all linked through WhatsApp groups at block, street and neighbourhood level, not this person though, they're back living with parents after losing  job and relationship. According to the parents they hide in their room all day watching conspiracy theory stuff.


I feel that a screenshot to the street group would have a disastrous effect for this person, I think they would be run out of the place, the house might even be targeted. I'm so tempted...

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On 03/08/2024 at 14:32, Vrsaljko said:

I'm not condoning anyone committing crime, but unfortunately this is what you get when you ignore the wishes of the people for the best part of 25 years. Mass immigration, a complete failure to integrate the people who are arriving, and crime being allowed to spiral out of control with pathetic sentences handed out. Politicians have had their heads in the sand for too long and people have had enough.

Failing to integrate you say?



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