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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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8 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

You've no idea if the bloke did anything wrong.

He could very well have been one of the many many peaceful protesters. 

Or doesn't that matter? 

I think that hanging around in a mob exhibiting such disgraceful behaviour is quite enough, actually. If you don’t separate yourself from stuff like that, then you are complicit in it.


They all have free will and could choose to walk away.

Edited by Prettytom
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2 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

I think that hanging around in a mob exhibiting such disgraceful behaviour is quite enough, actually. If you don’t separate yourself from stuff like that, then you are complicit in it.


They all have free will and could choose to walk away.

Hmmm, standing at a protest and speaking/shouting.

Yes, throw the book at him. 

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54 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

Someone should tell him the edl are no more and haven't been for a while now.

The rioters have been widely described that way recently by the press, and I think some politicians.
I don't use social media such as Telegram, Gab, 4chan, Discord, Bitchute, etc but I have seen it reported that some "activists" have EDL on their profiles, and still openly express sympathy for that particular ideology.
Yes I appreciate that's hearsay, as I've not seen it personally, but it is touched on in this report amongst others.

Violent Southport protests reveal organising tactics of the far-right BBC

Merseyside Police have publicly identified the English Defence League (EDL) as a key factor.

While there are people who describe themselves as EDL supporters, the organisation ceased to exist in any formal sense after its founder, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - who uses the alias Tommy Robinson - focused on spreading his message on social media platforms, where he has a sizeable following.

But its core ideas - in particular an opposition to illegal immigration, mixed with hate predominantly aimed at Muslims - are very much alive, and loudly and widely spread among sympathisers online.

Thrown into this mix are tropes from conspiracy theories that “elites” are somehow covering up the truth - including the abuse of British children.

See also
Tommy Robinson Stands Down From The EDL  Sky
The leader of the campaign group, and a senior colleague, announce their decision to quit due to "extremist elements".

Tommy Robinson has quit as leader of the English Defence League because he says he can no longer control extremists within the far-right group.

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Funny init, this thread is about the riots in Southport, not about the 17 year old Welsh monster that stabbed 3 children to death and injured several others.

Let's not forget Sir Kier wants to give 16Year olds the vote. 

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13 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

These aren’t peaceful protests.


Nobody should be pretending that they are.

I've been watching them.

They most certainly are mostly peaceful. 

There's handfuls of thugs at most of the protests. They need removing and locking up but almost everyone else is doing nothing wrong.

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45 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold


For all you know he's done nothing wrong.


What have the people in the Rotherham hotel done wrong? Why is the protest be aimed at frightened innocent people. I think that all the people shouting slurs outside the hotel (or tacitly supporting them by their presence) have done something very wrong indeed, and are the disgrace of Britain. 

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During the lock downs that hotel housed NHS staff and you could walk past on most days and see them outside smoking 

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