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Demonstrations, Riots and Disorder Across the UK Following the Southport Attacks

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2 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

I was in Victoria Park yesterday, the scene of that famous rock against racism gig in 1978. 

I’ve spent the last couple of days wandering around there, Hackney,  Dalston, Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets and a few other really multicultural bits of East London.  I’ve not seen a bit of trouble. People from all over the world, just getting on with their lives and letting others do the same. 

Let’s hope that the rest of the country can be the same again soon.


I think London's a good example of how being forced to live among people from other cultures and backgrounds (it really is unavoidable) helps do away with ignorance. Someone might shout at your for standing on the wrong side of the escalator or they might stab you for your £4000 road bike, but any aggravation is hardly ever about race, people have moved past that a while ago.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

It's a statistical fact that more folk on low income or benefits vote labour.


That being the case I fail to see how it's mainly the far right protesting, it doesn't make sense at all.


That is just rightwing nonsense.

Under Boris Johnson, it's a statistical fact that more of every group voted Conservative.

Under Kier Starmer, it's a statistical fact that more of every group voted Labour.



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1 minute ago, Jim Hardie said:

In jail already and rightfully so, meanwhile the gentleman that broke the WPC’s nose at the airport hasn’t even been charged yet.

Two-tier judicial system?


No, the airport incident is subject to the usual, sometimes painfully slow charging system, whereas the rioters have been banged up under a fast track system that is very much intended to deter other people from joining in. 

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And the young Welsh boy that stabbed the kiddies in Southport won't go to trial until spring 2025, and the hero that tried to save them sez it's time we started to talk about the problems and it ain't the right wing fascists.

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:


That is just rightwing nonsense.

Under Boris Johnson, it's a statistical fact that more of every group voted Conservative.

Under Kier Starmer, it's a statistical fact that more of every group voted Labour.




1987: 47% of low income voters supported Labour, while 29% voted Conservative

1992: 54% of low income voters supported Labour, while 26% voted Conservative

1997: 64% of low income voters supported Labour, while 13% voted Conservative

2001: 66% of low income voters supported Labour, while 12% voted Conservative

2005: 47% of low income voters supported Labour, while 22% voted Conservative

2010: 39% of low income voters supported Labour, while 25% voted Conservative

2015: 40% of low income voters supported Labour, while 28% voted Conservative

2017: 53% of low income voters supported Labour, while 33% voted Conservative



I can only find figures to 2017 but I hardly think it's rightwing nonsense, do you?

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