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'The Left' / 'The Right' / 'Left Wing' / 'Right Wing'

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15 minutes ago, FIRETHORN1 said:

Totally agree with this sentiment. The labels of hard/far Left and hard/far right are bandied about much too freely and are being totally misused in this current febrile climate.  Just because someone has concerns about the levels  of legal or illegal immigration, it doesn't make them "far Right", or just because someone objects to Israel's behaviour towards the Palestinians, it doesn't make them "far Left". Everyone has the right to their opinion, however much you may disagree with it. Everyone has a right to march or protest in support of their opinion.

However, what no-one has a right to do is to hurl missiles or abuse, or to launch attacks on property, or on police and emergency services, or to launch attacks on the people who disagree with them. No-one  has the  right to commit acts of violence or disorder - and those who do, should be arrested, tried and (if found guilty) they should be  punished in a fair and equal manner - regardless of their political stance, regardless of their religion and regardless of the colour of their skin.

It's the way of the world these days. 


Everyone has to be pigeon-holed in order to make it easier for the hard of thinking.  Nobody understands about nuance.


As for your views on violence, totally agree. 

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