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New National Unit to Tackle Violent Disorder

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Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has announced the formation of a new national unit to address violent disorder, following a series of riots sparked by a recent attack in Southport. The unrest, which spread across the country, has been characterised by the Prime Minister as the work of a "tiny mindless minority" and "hatred."

National Response to Widespread Disorder

In a press conference, Sir Keir Starmer condemned the actions of rioters, stating, "These thugs are mobile, they move from community to community, and we must have a police response that can do the same." He highlighted incidents of mosques being targeted, flares thrown at the statue of Winston Churchill, and a Nazi salute at the Cenotaph as examples of the unrest's far-reaching impact.

Measures to Enhance Policing

The new unit will focus on sharing intelligence, deploying facial recognition technology, and using preventative measures like criminal behaviour orders to restrict the movement of potential offenders. The Prime Minister emphasised the importance of using existing police powers rather than introducing new legislation. "We need to make sure that is being shared across police forces," he said, suggesting that better coordination could enhance response effectiveness.

Social Media's Role in Inciting Violence

Addressing the role of social media in fuelling the disorder, Sir Keir Starmer sent a strong message to platform providers: "Violent disorder clearly whipped up online - that is also a crime. It is happening on your premises, and the law must be upheld everywhere." He stressed that inciting violence online is a criminal offence and called for a "mature conversation" about the responsibilities of social media companies.

Focus on Community Safety

In response to concerns about the impact of the riots on Muslim communities, the Prime Minister assured that all necessary steps would be taken to ensure their safety. "The far right is showing who they are; we have to show who we are," he said, underscoring the government's commitment to protecting all citizens.

Moving Forward

While addressing questions from the media, Sir Keir Starmer noted that consistency in handling disorder cannot be measured solely by the number of arrests. He emphasised the importance of a coordinated national response and more robust use of criminal behaviour orders to prevent potential violence. The Prime Minister also refrained from commenting on specific individuals, including Nigel Farage, instead urging a focus on justice for the victims of the Southport attack.

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  • SheffieldForum changed the title to New National Unit to Tackle Violent Disorder

At least he's recognizing the problem & is doing something about it,  we can't have Jewish and Muslim people afraid to go out, and children afraid to go to school,  100% behind him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Violence is now getting out of hand and it needs stopping!

So how do we stop it?

The answer is simple, we need to go back in time to darkest Africa....

British explorers stumbled on a tribe living on the tranquil northern shores of Lake Victoria..

People had been living there for tens of thousands of years, assuming they were the only people on Earth.

They had never met anyone from another tribe, let alone a white man, and it was interesting to see how their society had developed.

They had not invented the wheel or the plough, but they had invented beer, and they could carry it around in vessels woven exquisitely from reeds, they also had fine cloth and knew how to wash their hands in the lake before eating.

They had also come up with the idea of how to deal with trouble makers, and live in peace.


If a child was making too much noise over lunch, it would be beheaded, if it got up without clearing it's plate , that was a beheading offence too.

Beheading was their equivalent of the naughty step, it was also a cure for snoring, nagging, or looking at someone in a funny way.

The Kings wives were kept bound on the floor and forced to drink milk for eight hours a day, non-stop.

This ensured that when the head honcho fancied a spot of rumpy-pumpy, the girl he selected would be nice and fat, Kate Moss? she would have been beheaded before reaching puberty.


Elsewhere in the World there were steam engines and ladies with parasols taking tea in the park, people in India wore clothes made in Huddersfield, and yet in the middle of all this, there was a civilization in which you could be beheaded for talking with your mouth full.

What stopped all this was the arrival of other people, people who said, "Yes, cutting your daughters head off is certainly one way of teaching her not to use her fingers at meal times, but have you tried a stern word, or a smacked bottom, because where we come from that works quite well too"

Well it doesn't!

This is were it started, proof that we've gone all soft on crime and punishment, criminals can get away with almost anything these days, a stern word and a slap on the wrist doesn't work.

Lets go back to the African Tribes way of dealing with things, and I guarantee that crime will almost be eliminated.......

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