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GP 's about to strike

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23 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Thank you 🙏


Actually, on the plus side those 25 will probably benefit from a better consultation as the Doc may spend longer with them. 

Have a listen to the video interview I posted earlier, which goes some way to explaining it.

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8 hours ago, melthebell said:

It's not a strike, it's work to rule I read

So my old GP will have to do more work then :hihi:

There were often complaints about her work ethic, something I once experience.

I had a 08:30 appt, she strolled in at 09:15 and proceeded to make herself a coffee and chinwag with the receptionist (it was not work related, I could hear them) 

I was seen at 09:35, a very rushed appt too. 

Her being late wasn't an uncommon occurrence and other complaints were her not returning to work after lunch, making up 'family' excuses. 

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If it's anything like my surgery, it's a joke to think they saw more than three to four patients an hour as it was. Seriously, will anyone notice the difference with this supposed action?


The state of GPs has being a running gag for several decades.  On last two and  (thankfully) rare occasions I have had to use their services it's been a complete waste of time. Neither time was I actually in person examined and was continually being fobbed off to other services, after of course having my battle with the receptionist, then the interrogation interview with the triage and then being put on some call back list with a 14-day turnaround to get my "GP consultation". 


On the first occasion it got to the point where I had to arrange private GP appointments at my own expense before getting a myself a diagnosis on chest pains I was suffering.  


On the second occasion I again was fobbed off with a 7 day wait and telephone interview with the doctor who simply threw some medication at me, which in fact made my condition worse and create a second condition as a reaction to the medication I was on.  Once again I had to resort to my own expenditure of getting a private GP who actually examined me sorted the problem out the same day, changed my medication  more suited to my needs.... and the cherry on the cake... my private prescription charge was, on that occasion, actually cost less than the fixed NHS charge. 


The absolute nerve of these people to decry that they are somehow hard done by.  Starting pay from approx £44k, average salary pay between £68-£104k.  Practice partners, which many of them are earning average of over 110k..... and all for what service exactly.


Like I said, the whole NHS system is absolutely ripe for reform. Not fit for purpose. Totally overfunded and overprotected.  Needs kicking and screaming into reality.  


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7 minutes ago, cressida said:

Is Spire part of the NHS?

No, not directly, as far as I'm aware; NHS doctors may refer patients to private clinics depending on the circumstances.

e.g. I had an NHS referral for a hernia op at a private healthcare provider, paid for and organised by the NHS; not Spire, a different provider. 
The waiting lists were shorter so the NHS are using private providers to cut waiting times.
The surgeon was an NHS consultant, operating from a private hospital outside his core NHS hours.
Had anything gone wrong, the hospital would have likely called for an NHS ambulance for transport to an NHS hospital.

Similarly my cataract op(s) were NHS, but carried out in a private hospital.
One month's waiting list as opposed to 19 months at the local NHS hospital.


A friend had knee replacement on the NHS at Claremont, which I think is Spire.
Have a look at the map here

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one of our GPs had a note stuck on his door.

 Only one problem will be dealt with per appointment for 10 minutes


let's hope you didn't have anything serious.

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