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On 05/08/2024 at 21:53, lavery549@yahoo said:

Have you got a phobia , that is a bit bizzare ? . Not the run of the mill ones . Just one you have that is not the norm . Mine is broken bones .  Bit out there being as I am a Nurse . 😅

Some may have a phobia of broken bones, and some may even have a phobia of certain foods. (not me personally) Takes all sorts to make a world.

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5 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Many thanks. I'll have a read of that when I drop the little un off at the gym. 

Thank you again Draggletail 😊


Now that's interesting. 

And educational. My nephew (on the spectrum) will only eat chicken nuggets, waffles and one other thing I can't recall right now. He's considered a fussy eater but I'm going to show my sister the link as it might be very useful. 

Thank you again for posting it.

I'm genuinely grateful 🙏 

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A phobia is an irrational fear or hatred of something.

Mine is of developing one.

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