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I detest loud mouthed obscene language uttered in public as now seems to be the current idiom.  
Do not get me wrong, I can turn it out with the best of them in situations like the building site or in close male company ,  but never in public places , pubs , football matches,  etc.


At one time I used to get in a little bother by asking people to “Watch your language “.  Of late I have decided that it is a waste of time as I hear more and more conversations from all classes of folk that include what not so long ago was considered obscene language.

It still makes me feel uncomfortable especially in front of ladies but they now seem to be just as bad so shut up and put up seems to be the way .

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I have a lot of respect for your post cuttsie,  anyone can be vulgar but it takes strength of character to do otherwise.  I  have also called people out for 

swearing,  if women swear they sound unfeminine and trying to look hard.

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The fact is, what people classify as "obscene language" is constantly evolving. 


So called swearing becoming more acceptable in adult conversations has been in progress for many years now. At one point, even the mildest swear words like 'bloody' and 'crap' would have get a reaction but now they are not even post watershed. 


Equally, lots of words, phrases and slang freely used in the 1960s and '70s will be considered highly offensive today and will certainly get a ban, removal or shock reaction.


It's how it's always been.

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17 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I detest loud mouthed obscene language uttered in public as now seems to be the current idiom.  
Do not get me wrong, I can turn it out with the best of them in situations like the building site or in close male company ,  but never in public places , pubs , football matches,  etc.


At one time I used to get in a little bother by asking people to “Watch your language “.  Of late I have decided that it is a waste of time as I hear more and more conversations from all classes of folk that include what not so long ago was considered obscene language.

It still makes me feel uncomfortable especially in front of ladies but they now seem to be just as bad so shut up and put up seems to be the way .

I have never used obscene language, ever.

I'll say, Bluddy, Flippin, Crikey, Chuffin, but never obscenity's, no need for it..

Like you say, it's common practice among both men and women these days, it doesn't offend me at all.

If people want to use bad language, it's up to them, to me it shows a lack of intelligence..


I do have a confession to make.

Years ago while on holiday in Turkey with my "Brother-in- law" Andrew. we went out for a meal and drinks.

We enjoyed our meal, and the drinks were flowing.

As usual I had to be very careful in front of the wife, Watch what I'm saying, don't act daft, take mi  time drinking.

My missis had strict rules, and I had to abide with them.


Well the drinks kept flowing, and I was getting a bit tipsy, (Other wise known as enjoying myself)

This caused great annoyance to the wife, who kept tutting away everytime I had another drink.

After multiple warnings about my drinking, Andrew leant over, and whispered in my ear "Tell her to eff-off"

I told him "I daren't do that"

But he kept pestering me "Go on, be a man, tell her to eff-off"

The drinks kept flowing, and by this time I'd plucked up enough Dutch Courage to listen to him.

So when I got an ear bashing from her for singing "I'm as drunk as drunk can be"

I responded with the immortal words "Eff-Off"


Well I got the death glare, and immediately realized I'd over stepped the mark, time to grovel.

I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry, but Andrew made me do it.

I spent the rest of the holiday on the naughty step..

And that is the only time I've ever used obscene language, In my defence I was drunk, and Andrew made me say it.

Never again....

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1 hour ago, cressida said:

I have a lot of respect for your post cuttsie,  anyone can be vulgar but it takes strength of character to do otherwise.  I  have also called people out for 

swearing,  if women swear they sound unfeminine and trying to look hard.

Especially in front of their children, who then go on to think it’s normal,   Is it ???  Now who knows.

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I remember maybe 50's  people  would be fined and then named on front of the "The Star" for using obscene language. 

I don't like the four letter words but must admit I find it comic when  when people who don't swear normally use it to vent their anger etc.

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I'm glad I don't use buses often, idiots on their phones on a packed bus shouting and balling, swearing as if the bus was empty,  get the likes of inspectorBlakey back on board, the ignorant swines need chucking off.  :roll:

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