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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

I'm glad I don't use buses often, idiots on their phones on a packed bus shouting and balling, swearing as if the bus was empty,  get the likes of inspectorBlakey back on board, the ignorant swines need chucking off.  :roll:

I was on the bus from Woodhouse to town last week , two women sat on top deck across isle from each other , screeching  loud-conversation at each other , every other word a swear ,,,  

It took me the whole journey to keep my gob shut as I was embarrassed to be one of the few on the bus who obviously came from Sheffield,, most passengers  who got on at Darnell  we’re obviously new to the area as they spoke their own language or broken English,,, These people behaved impeccably on that bus .

Was glad to reach Town and escape .

Edited by cuttsie
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48 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

I'm glad I don't use buses often, idiots on their phones on a packed bus shouting and balling, swearing as if the bus was empty,  get the likes of inspectorBlakey back on board, the ignorant swines need chucking off.  :roll:

Your enough to make anybody swear Mr. P.

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2 hours ago, Padders said:

I have never used obscene language, ever.

I'll say, Bluddy, Flippin, Crikey, Chuffin, but never obscenity's, no need for it..

Like you say, it's common practice among both men and women these days, it doesn't offend me at all.

If people want to use bad language, it's up to them, to me it shows a lack of intelligence..


I do have a confession to make.

Years ago while on holiday in Turkey with my "Brother-in- law" Andrew. we went out for a meal and drinks.

We enjoyed our meal, and the drinks were flowing.

As usual I had to be very careful in front of the wife, Watch what I'm saying, don't act daft, take mi  time drinking.

My missis had strict rules, and I had to abide with them.


Well the drinks kept flowing, and I was getting a bit tipsy, (Other wise known as enjoying myself)

This caused great annoyance to the wife, who kept tutting away everytime I had another drink.

After multiple warnings about my drinking, Andrew leant over, and whispered in my ear "Tell her to eff-off"

I told him "I daren't do that"

But he kept pestering me "Go on, be a man, tell her to eff-off"

The drinks kept flowing, and by this time I'd plucked up enough Dutch Courage to listen to him.

So when I got an ear bashing from her for singing "I'm as drunk as drunk can be"

I responded with the immortal words "Eff-Off"


Well I got the death glare, and immediately realized I'd over stepped the mark, time to grovel.

I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry, but Andrew made me do it.

I spent the rest of the holiday on the naughty step..

And that is the only time I've ever used obscene language, In my defence I was drunk, and Andrew made me say it.

Never again....


" It shows a lack of intelligence "


No it doesn't, the opposite in fact.  https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/swearing-study-intelligent-intelligence-university-of-rochester-a7916516.html






Personally I believe there's a time and a place. Never in front of women or children or people you don't know well enough to know they won't be offended by it.


Padders I quite like your posts but have to say you don't come out of that one looking particularly good. Hen pecked and then kidded into swearing at your wife in public, not a good look. 🙁

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42 minutes ago, m williamson said:




Padders I quite like your posts but have to say you don't come out of that one looking particularly good. Hen pecked and then kidded into swearing at your wife in public, not a good look. 🙁

You want to meet my daughters Mr. Williamson, maybe you'd get a better understanding..

They make their mum look like Mother Teresa. 

If a put a foot out of place, disagree with them, not do as I'm told, I get severely reprimanded, and fined..

I'm not proud of the fact that they take advantage of my kindness and generosity.


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44 minutes ago, m williamson said:


" It shows a lack of intelligence "


No it doesn't, the opposite in fact.  https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/swearing-study-intelligent-intelligence-university-of-rochester-a7916516.html






Personally I believe there's a time and a place. Never in front of women or children or people you don't know well enough to know they won't be offended by it.


Padders I quite like your posts but have to say you don't come out of that one looking particularly good. Hen pecked and then kidded into swearing at your wife in public, not a good look. 🙁


Why the whole women and children thing?


I fully understand children just like I wouldn't expect lots of types of adult conversations to be happening in front of kids.


However, as for in front of women.  Why not? 


We are long away from the ye olde days when women are supposedly treated as some weaker sex, some delicate flowers kept indoors  except in the odd special occasion when they come out to show off their pretty little dress and be shielded away in separate lounge rooms from those dirty gruff manly blokes.


Most women I know give as good as they get when it comes to language - if not worse when they all get together.  

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