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Extreme Misogyny To Be Treated As Terrorism Under Yvette Cooper's New Crackdown

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13 hours ago, peak4 said:

Both probably, but I'd suggest the review is less about individual crimes, for which there is likely already legislation, and more about the wider environment of those who seek to influence others.
Nobody on here seems to object to Anjem Choudary being arrested for his extreme views and promotion of them; this review appears to be to look at what other forms of extremism are being actively promoted and how to address the problems they create.
Clickbait headlines really don't help folk to have mature informed discussions.
Telegraph did it again yesterday, and justified their headline about someone criticising the review by rolling out Reform's Home Affairs spokesman as one doing the criticising.

Why was my post deleted challenging this statement on Anjem Choudary along with my other comment about CNN?

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I've no idea why one or more posts have been deleted personally.
I'm not sure what the problem is/was.
Way before his current conviction and sentencing for life, Choudary had been spouting dangerous hate, and promoting extremism for years, but just about stayed within the law at the time.
He finally overstepped the mark  far enough to to enable a prosecution for which he was rightfully convicted (2016??).
I don't recall many free speech warriors objecting to that fully justified conviction.
Since then, the laws on promoting extremism have been updated, and I suspect that what he was saying back then 2014/5, would lead to a prosecution under current legislation when it had not been possible previously.
The last government review was published 14th March 2024 
Many would suggest that it didn't go far enough, and doesn't sufficiently take into account the likes of Incel, and the Tates, etc.
One of those who seemed to take that view was Dame Sara Khan who published her own recommendations on 25th March 2024, having been appointed to a government role, though not without some criticism of that appointment.


Yvette Cooper's subsequent review of extremist legislation and definitions seems to be building on that, since we now have a new government in place; hence the statement that misogyny, and other forms of hate speech,  should be included in a new review.

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6 minutes ago, peak4 said:

I've no idea why one or more posts have been deleted personally.
I'm not sure what the problem is/was.
Way before his current conviction and sentencing for life, Choudary had been spouting dangerous hate, and promoting extremism for years, but just about stayed within the law at the time.
He finally overstepped the mark  far enough to to enable a prosecution for which he was rightfully convicted (2016??).
I don't recall many free speech warriors objecting to that fully justified conviction.
Since then, the laws on promoting extremism have been updated, and I suspect that what he was saying back then 2014/5, would lead to a prosecution under current legislation when it had not been possible previously.
The last government review was published 14th March 2024 
Many would suggest that it didn't go far enough, and doesn't sufficiently take into account the likes of Incel, and the Tates, etc.
One of those who seemed to take that view was Dame Sara Khan who published her own recommendations on 25th March 2024, having been appointed to a government role, though not without some criticism of that appointment.


Yvette Cooper's subsequent review of extremist legislation and definitions seems to be building on that, since we now have a new government in place; hence the statement that misogyny, and other forms of hate speech,  should be included in a new review.

Free speech warriors, seriously?


You have played your hand with that childish comment alone.


Aye, it's a complete mystery as to why folk didn't object to that lovable rascal Mr Choudary getting banged up.


You linked his wiki page, have you actually read the amount of stuff he has been guilty off?



But hey, Misogyny and Tatty are comparable.

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Yes of course I've read it, the whole point being that the police/CPS were unable to get a charge to stick as he stayed just within the law, no matter how vile his rhetoric.
That law clearly needed reviewing, which to a certain extent has now been done, as shown with links provided.
The current legislation is also up for review, which may include other sorts of extremism, currently not covered.
The comparison isn't between Choudary and Tate, but the inadequacies of the legislation in both cases, and the need to address those shortcomings.

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10 hours ago, peak4 said:

Yes of course I've read it, the whole point being that the police/CPS were unable to get a charge to stick as he stayed just within the law, no matter how vile his rhetoric.
That law clearly needed reviewing, which to a certain extent has now been done, as shown with links provided.
The current legislation is also up for review, which may include other sorts of extremism, currently not covered.
The comparison isn't between Choudary and Tate, but the inadequacies of the legislation in both cases, and the need to address those shortcomings.

Appreciate the reply...



So why are you suggesting " free speech warriors" didn't object to his vile rhetoric and crimes?


To even use this monster as a comparable, regardless of your innocence in doing so is laughable, it's also predictable you got the " incel" word in also.


Can I claim my bingo prize?


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