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Have you had an injury at work ?

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19 hours ago, hackey lad said:

:thumbsup: Same here


18 hours ago, echo beach said:

Yes it’s a peculiar experience isn’t it?

Happened to me in the late ‘70s on the Leeds ring road when 2 cars came across me at a roundabout instead of giving way as the should have done. I managed to miss the first idiot but couldn’t avoid the second one.

The images I experienced before crashing into the other vehicle were like stop motion as though my brain was giving me time to get ready for the impact.

Never had the feeling since thank goodness.



Something to do with survival I think, our brain giving us a chance to escape injury and flee. Not that you can flee in some circumstances, certainly not in a car accident!

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7 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:

Missed the last 3 steps on some stairs while carrying a TV cabinet, rolled my ankle... probably should have gone and got it X-rayed.

Had the top pallet from a stack topple off and slide down my face, much blood and a trip to A&E

Had a double bailer head come loose while unjamming it and rolled into my finger, crushed the fingernail into my finger, trip to A&E to get it pulled out.

Got my hand stuck between a forklift and a shelf... should have gone to A&E for that one too.

How ever have you survived?!

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