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Government Considering Stricter Outdoor Smoking Rules to Reduce Preventable Deaths

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I've been stopped for about 7 months, and to be honest the smell doesn't particularly bother me. Yes it's unpleasant, but then so are many of the perfumes or B.O. that many people smell of.

I was listening to the radio last night and a health economist was saying that about 13% of people smoke in the U.K, and getting many more people to stop will save the NHS a fortune. 

In terms of pubs, I'd much prefer an emphasis on safe drinking, and basic social skills for some people who either can't hold their drink, or think that being obnoxious is all part of a 'good night out'.

I do feel sorry for smokers as they are such a picked on bunch, while others such as obnoxious and nuisance drinkers seem to get a free pass. 

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I was still working in 2007 and there was no way that I was going to be treat like a leper, therefore I stopped and quite honestly found it far easier than I’d imagined. I can’t recall how I felt, other than wealthier. 

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Having been a smoker I have more empathy for smokers as it's not easy to give up something you enjoy,  I didn't like smoking in the presence of my children and the yellowing ceiling in the lounge wasn't nice.

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53 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I've been stopped for about 7 months, and to be honest the smell doesn't particularly bother me. Yes it's unpleasant, but then so are many of the perfumes or B.O. that many people smell of.

I was listening to the radio last night and a health economist was saying that about 13% of people smoke in the U.K, and getting many more people to stop will save the NHS a fortune. 

In terms of pubs, I'd much prefer an emphasis on safe drinking, and basic social skills for some people who either can't hold their drink, or think that being obnoxious is all part of a 'good night out'.

I do feel sorry for smokers as they are such a picked on bunch, while others such as obnoxious and nuisance drinkers seem to get a free pass. 

Spot on there Mister M, however I think your “emphasis on safe drinking and basic social skills” ain’t gonna happen. It needs to, and how, but the rot has set in on basic social skills during childhood these days, and by the time they’re able to go to the boozer it’s far too late I’m afraid.

The thing is, people are accustomed these days to the smokers corner in the pub garden, and keep clear accordingly. 
IF this ban comes in I see more people staying away and some pubs will struggle to remain viable.

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Pubs put up a lot of outdoor enclosures, and outdoor heaters - at one time I relied on herbal cigarettes but I think they went off the market,  Holland & Barrett sold them.

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