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Government Considering Stricter Outdoor Smoking Rules to Reduce Preventable Deaths

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Such a proposal should have been put in the Labour party election manifesto.  It doesn't bother me because I don't smoke but I think a lot of smokers who voted Labour might not have done so if Sir Keir Starmer had made his intention public before the general election.

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26 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    Of course some people will still smoke whatever  rules and supervision is put in place, but you are missing the point. The public attitude to smoking has changed radically. Legislation is only one of many reasons for this. At the simplest level in pubs/workplace etc. smokers not addicted to nicotine were separated from the addicted and did not  have to modify their behaviour. Pricing reduced the 'shared activity' aspect.  The 'door step' addicts becoming rarer.


    Nicotine addiction is very, very, very hard to manage and the brain will generate all manner of excuses to avoid stopping- mine was "I found it so easy to give up last time, so I can give up anytime I want to." When I did stop it coincided with pub and workplace rules which have helped immensely in controlling my addiction to nicotine. This has still left a small minority of addicts and non-addicts smoking. The proposed ban will help the non-addicted and reinforce the willpower of many addicts to try and give. Some people will not give but their numbers will fall with death.


    Children mimicking adults is the biggest 'push' to starting smoking. Adult smokers need to take responsibility for this.



My Bold - There are 6.4 million smokers in the UK. Thats not a small minority 


Of these 6.4M the lowest number is actually the over 60s so your prediction that this will fall is going to take about 40 years given the highest number is the 25-34 age group


I'll take your case, so when you couldn't smoke in pubs and work anymore you decided to stop. that was your choice. You still had the choice to smoke outside in the open air  where your smoke was dispersed and not contained in a single place. You chose to stop.


My issue is that this is aimed purely at the hospitality industry. People can still smoke outside work, they can smoke in the street as people go past, to use your analogy of children mimicking adults i would guarantee that children see more adults smoking on the street, in parks, outside work then they would do outside a pub or a restuarant, would you not agree with that.


ive worked in hospitality for over 30 years and yes i used to stink of smoke when people were allowed to smoke in clubs and bars and that ban was a good thing as they were enclosed spaces and you did experience second hand smoke. Nowadays with smokers outside you dont get any of that and it goes out into the environment.


Its selective and damaging to businesses what the govt is proposing because all that will happen is that anyone who wants to smoke will simply stand on the other side of the pubs border and smoke there. Take "stadiums" which have been mentioned, will there be a big line around it with "no smoking" written on it? whats the difference in the 1 foot that people will step over and smoke at? Who decides the difference


Smoking is bad for you, full stop. thats not argued at all, so is alcohol but i dont see them banning that outside venues, after all kids will see adults drinking and take it up wont they?


Would you also ban vaping in public considering we dont know the long term effects of it yet and that is certainly the manner in which kids are adopting a smoking habit at the moment


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2 hours ago, rogets said:

There are also sports, take football for example why should I pay my taxes for someone to receive treatment if they get injured while playing football?


That goes for other sports too


I once went to a boxing club and got punched by one of the other lads who was training there

Absolutely spot on Rogets.

People on this Forum don't seem to understand the fact that you are university educated, and your comments should be noted.

I think, along with smoking, and alcohol, all physical sports should be banned.

Boxing is one example, they don't even fight in a ring, it's a square, how stupid are boxer's?

Football and Rugby needs outlawing as well, this activity should be replaced by fishing, no one gets hurt fishing, only the fish.

Demolish all the Soccer and Rugby grounds and turn them into big lakes, you could have all the Fishermen fishing for points, EG. 6 points for a Salmon, 5 points for a Trout, 4 points for a Pike, 3 points for a Trench.

Introduce league tables, and follow your favourite fisherman, how exciting would that be.

Bert Troutman would have excelled at fishing, and avoided a broken neck.

Golf is OK, but I prefer Crazy Golf.


I'd even go as far as to ban the Olympic Games, people chucking spears and hammers about is very dangerous, running is fine when your late for a train, but the concept of running around in circles for nothing but glory seems a bit medieval to me. the Olympic's should consist of board games only.

Monopoly, Chess, Dominoes, Skittles, and Ludo, could entertain us all with the right mindset.

It's time this country prioritized its priority's.

All these measure's would help save the NHS and bring waiting times down, and maybe, bring down our tax burden.

It's time for a big reset...



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2 minutes ago, Padders said:

Absolutely spot on Rogets.

People on this Forum don't seem to understand the fact that you are university educated, and your comments should be noted.

I think, along with smoking, and alcohol, all physical sports should be banned.

Boxing is one example, they don't even fight in a ring, it's a square, how stupid are boxer's?

Football and Rugby needs outlawing as well, this activity should be replaced by fishing, no one gets hurt fishing, only the fish.

Demolish all the Soccer and Rugby grounds and turn them into big lakes, you could have all the Fishermen fishing for points, EG. 6 points for a Salmon, 5 points for a Trout, 4 points for a Pike, 3 points for a Trench.

Introduce league tables, and follow your favourite fisherman, how exciting would that be.

Bert Troutman would have excelled at fishing, and avoided a broken neck.

Golf is OK, but I prefer Crazy Golf.


I'd even go as far as to ban the Olympic Games, people chucking spears and hammers about is very dangerous, running is fine when your late for a train, but the concept of running around in circles for nothing but glory seems a bit medieval to me. the Olympic's should consist of board games only.

Monopoly, Chess, Dominoes, Skittles, and Ludo, could entertain us all with the right mindset.

It's time this country prioritized its priority's.

All these measure's would help save the NHS and bring waiting times down, and maybe, bring down our tax burden.

It's time for a big reset...



Oh I agree Padders , much rather have a nice relaxing pint in Padders , but forget the grub 


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I knew a chap who managed a pub, in the days when smoking in pubs was allowed. One day he noticed that the extractor fan was labouring a bit, not working properly, and so he decided to open it up, give it a clean and see if that fixed it. He found that it was full of vile yellowish brown sticky slime which absolutely stank. At that point he suddenly realised the reason why he coughed every morning was because he had exactly the same stuff in his lungs. He puked up on the spot and never touched another fag. 

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Just now, Slighty batty said:

I knew a chap who managed a pub, in the days when smoking in pubs was allowed. One day he noticed that the extractor fan was labouring a bit, not working properly, and so he decided to open it up, give it a clean and see if that fixed it. He found that it was full of vile yellowish brown sticky slime which absolutely stank. At that point he suddenly realised the reason why he coughed every morning was because he had exactly the same stuff in his lungs. He puked up on the spot and never touched another fag. 

One way to quit . Wasn't good smoking in pubs . Same as on buses ,when you were allowed to upstairs . I didn't smoke then , stink came slowly down from upstairs 

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